How to Clean and Fillet King Salmon Like a Pro

How to Clean and Fillet King Salmon

If you love to cook fish, learning how to clean and fillet a king salmon is a must. This rich, flavorful fish is a popular choice for seafood lovers, but many people shy away from preparing it at home because they're not sure how to properly clean and fillet it. In this post, we'll show you how to clean and fillet king salmon like a pro with a few simple steps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clean and Fillet King Salmon

  1. Start by rinsing the salmon under cold water to remove any debris or slime on the skin.

  2. Lay the salmon on a clean, flat surface and use a sharp knife to make a cut just behind the gills. Cut down towards the spine, following the natural curve of the fish.

  3. Continue cutting until you reach the backbone. Then, turn the knife and cut along the backbone, towards the tail.

  4. Once you've reached the tail, turn the knife and cut towards the head, along the bottom of the fish.

  5. Use your fingers to gently separate the flesh from the bones, starting at the head and working towards the tail.

  6. Once you've removed the fillet, use a pair of pliers to remove any remaining bones.

  7. Repeat the process on the other side of the fish to remove the second fillet.

  8. Use a sharp knife to remove the skin from the fillets. Start at the tail end and insert the knife between the flesh and the skin, angling the blade slightly upwards.

  9. Hold the skin firmly with one hand and use the other hand to gently saw the knife back and forth, working your way towards the head.

  10. Repeat the process on the other fillet.

Pro Tips for Preparing King Salmon

  • Make sure your knife is sharp before you begin filleting.

  • Use a cutting board with a non-slip surface to prevent the fish from sliding around.

  • Always work with a clean surface and clean hands to prevent contamination.

  • If you're not comfortable filleting the fish yourself, ask your fishmonger to do it for you.


Q: Can I leave the skin on the fillets?

A: Yes, you can leave the skin on the fillets if you prefer. Just make sure to score the skin with a sharp knife before cooking to prevent curling.

Q: What's the best way to cook king salmon?

A: King salmon can be grilled, baked, broiled, or pan-fried. It's a versatile fish that pairs well with a variety of flavors and cooking methods.


Now that you know how to clean and fillet king salmon like a pro, you can enjoy this delicious fish at home anytime. With a little practice, you'll be able to prepare a perfectly filleted salmon in no time. So go ahead and give it a try!