The Ultimate Guide: How to Rig a Fishing Line for White Sturgeon

How to Rig a Fishing Line for White Sturgeon

Are you planning to catch white sturgeon? Rigging your fishing line properly is crucial to catch these large and powerful fish. In this blog post, we'll show you how to rig a fishing line for white sturgeon.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Rig a Fishing Line for White Sturgeon

Step 1: Choose the Right Equipment Select a strong and durable fishing rod that can handle the weight and size of a white sturgeon. Choose a spinning or baitcasting reel with a line capacity of at least 300 yards.

Step 2: Choose the Right Fishing Line A braided fishing line with a high-pound test is ideal for white sturgeon. Choose a line with a minimum of 80-pound test and a length of at least 150 yards.

Step 3: Attach a Swivel to the Fishing Line Attach a swivel to the end of the fishing line using a strong knot, such as a Palomar knot. This will prevent the line from twisting and tangling.

Step 4: Attach a Weight to the Fishing Line Attach a weight to the fishing line using a sliding sinker rig. Choose a weight that is heavy enough to keep the bait on the bottom but not too heavy that it prevents you from feeling the fish bite.

Step 5: Tie on a Leader Tie a 36 to 48-inch fluorocarbon leader to the swivel using a Palomar knot. This will prevent the fish from seeing the fishing line and improve your chances of catching a white sturgeon.

Step 6: Attach the Hook Attach a 5/0 to 7/0 circle hook to the end of the leader using a snell knot. Circle hooks are ideal for catch and release fishing as they reduce the chances of gut hooking the fish.


Q: What bait should I use to catch white sturgeon?

A: White sturgeon feed on a variety of baits, including lamprey eels, herring, shrimp, and salmon eggs.

Q: Where can I catch white sturgeon?

A: White sturgeon are found in the Pacific Northwest, including the Columbia River, Fraser River, and Klamath River.

Q: What is the best time of year to catch white sturgeon?

A: The best time to catch white sturgeon is during the spring and fall months when they are most active and feeding.


Rigging a fishing line properly is essential to catch white sturgeon. Follow the step-by-step guide above to increase your chances of catching the biggest sturgeon with ease. Remember to choose the right equipment, fishing line, and bait, and always practice catch and release fishing to protect this unique and majestic fish species.