Winter White Sturgeon Fishing Tips: How to Catch the Big One

How to Catch White Sturgeon in the Winter

If you're an angler looking for a new challenge during the winter months, consider going after white sturgeon. These massive fish can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh over 1,500 pounds. Here are some tips to help you catch the big one.

  1. Know the Best Time to Fish for White Sturgeon

White sturgeon are more active during the winter months when the water is colder. The best time to catch them is from November to February when they are most active. Make sure to check local fishing regulations and seasons before heading out.

  1. Use the Right Gear

To catch a white sturgeon, you'll need a sturdy rod and reel. Look for a rod with a heavy action and a reel with a high line capacity. You'll also need a strong leader and a large hook.

  1. Choose the Right Bait

White sturgeon are bottom feeders and prefer live bait such as herring or anchovy. You can also use dead bait such as shad or squid.

  1. Find the Right Location

White sturgeon are found in deep pools and slow-moving waters. Look for areas with structure such as rocks, logs, or drop-offs. You can also use a fish finder to locate schools of sturgeon.

  1. Be Patient

Catching a white sturgeon takes patience and persistence. You may need to spend several hours waiting for a bite. Be prepared to wait and stay alert for any signs of activity.


Q: What is the best time of day to catch white sturgeon?

A: White sturgeon are most active during the early morning and late afternoon.

Q: What is the best way to hook a white sturgeon?

A: Use a large hook and bait it with live or dead bait. Allow the fish to take the bait and then set the hook firmly.

Q: Do I need a special license to fish for white sturgeon?

A: Yes, most states require a special permit or tag to fish for white sturgeon. Check local regulations before heading out.


White sturgeon fishing during the winter months can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. Remember to use the right gear, choose the right bait, and be patient. With these tips, you'll increase your chances of catching the big one. Always remember to follow local fishing regulations and practice catch and release to preserve this magnificent species for future generations.