5 Surprising Facts About Salmon You Didn't Know

Surprising Facts About Salmon

Salmon is a popular fish that's enjoyed all over the world. While many people know that salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, there are some surprising facts about this fish that you may not know.

  1. Salmon Can Change Color

Salmon have a unique ability to change color depending on their environment. In the wild, salmon are typically silver in color, but when they migrate to freshwater to spawn, they can turn a bright red or orange hue.

  1. Salmon Have an Amazing Sense of Smell

Salmon have an incredible sense of smell that allows them to navigate their way back to their spawning grounds, even after spending years in the open ocean. In fact, they can detect the scent of their home river from miles away.

  1. Salmon Are Born in Freshwater

Salmon are actually born in freshwater streams and rivers. After hatching, they spend the first few months of their lives in freshwater before migrating to the ocean to mature.

  1. Salmon Can Jump Over Obstacles

Salmon are famous for their ability to jump out of the water, and for good reason. They use this skill to navigate obstacles in their path, such as waterfalls and rapids, as they make their way upstream to spawn.

  1. Salmon Bones are a Great Source of Calcium

While many people discard salmon bones, they are actually a great source of calcium. Eating the bones can help strengthen bones and teeth, making salmon a truly nutritious food.


Salmon is an amazing fish that has some surprising facts that many people may not know. From their ability to change color to their incredible sense of smell, salmon are truly unique creatures. By understanding the special characteristics and benefits of salmon, we can appreciate this beloved fish even more.