How to Clean Diver Scallops Like a Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Clean Diver Scallops

Diver scallops are a prized delicacy in the culinary world, known for their sweet and delicate flavor. However, before you can cook them to perfection, you need to know how to properly clean and prepare them. In this guide, we will take you through the steps to clean diver scallops like a pro.

Step 1: Remove the Side Muscle

When you purchase fresh diver scallops, you will notice a small, tough side muscle attached to the scallop. This muscle needs to be removed before cooking. Simply grasp the muscle and pull it away from the scallop. If it doesn't come off easily, use a small knife to carefully cut it away.

Step 2: Rinse the Scallops

Next, rinse the scallops under cold running water. This will remove any sand or debris that may be on the surface. Be sure to handle the scallops gently to avoid damaging them.

Step 3: Pat the Scallops Dry

After rinsing the scallops, pat them dry with a clean towel or paper towel. This step is important because excess moisture can prevent the scallops from searing properly.

Step 4: Season the Scallops

Before cooking, season the scallops with salt and pepper. You can also add other seasonings of your choice, such as garlic or paprika, to enhance their flavor.

Step 5: Cook the Scallops

There are many ways to cook scallops, including searing, grilling, and baking. No matter which method you choose, be sure to cook them quickly over high heat to avoid overcooking.


Q: Can I eat the side muscle on a diver scallop?

A: While the side muscle on a scallop is edible, it is tough and chewy, so it is best to remove it before cooking.

Q: How long do scallops take to cook?

A: The cooking time for scallops depends on the method and thickness of the scallops. Generally, they take 2-3 minutes per side when seared over high heat.

Q: Can I freeze diver scallops?

A: Yes, you can freeze diver scallops. However, they are best eaten fresh, so it is recommended to consume them within a few days of purchase.


Cleaning and preparing diver scallops may seem daunting at first, but with the right technique, it is a simple process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can clean and prepare scallops like a pro and enjoy their delicious flavor in your favorite dishes. Remember to handle the scallops gently and cook them quickly over high heat for the best results.