How to Store Dungeness Crab to Keep it Fresh

Dungeness crab storage tips

Are you looking to store Dungeness crab and keep it fresh? Whether you've caught it yourself or bought it at the market, storing it properly is key to maintaining its flavor and quality. Follow these tips to store your Dungeness crab correctly:

  1. Keep the crab alive as long as possible: If you're storing live Dungeness crab, keep them alive until you're ready to cook them. Put them in a cooler with ice or seaweed to keep them moist and cool. Make sure to keep the cooler in a shaded area.

  2. Cook the crab as soon as possible: If you're not planning on storing the crab alive, cook it as soon as possible. Boiling, steaming, or grilling are popular cooking methods for Dungeness crab.

  3. Clean the crab: Before storing your cooked crab, make sure to clean it. Remove the gills and the intestines, and rinse it thoroughly with cold water.

  4. Refrigerate the crab: Once cleaned, wrap the crab in damp paper towels and store it in an airtight container. Place the container in the coldest part of your refrigerator, which is usually the bottom shelf. You can also place the crab in a large plastic bag with a few ice packs.

  5. Freeze the crab: If you can't consume your crab within a few days, freeze it. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it in an airtight container or a plastic bag. Make sure to label the container with the date so you can keep track of how long it's been frozen.


Q: How long can I store cooked Dungeness crab in the refrigerator?

A: Cooked Dungeness crab can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Q: How long can I freeze Dungeness crab?

A: Frozen Dungeness crab can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Q: Can I freeze live Dungeness crab?

A: It's not recommended to freeze live Dungeness crab as it can affect the texture and flavor of the meat.


Storing Dungeness crab properly is crucial to keep it fresh and delicious. Whether you're planning to eat it right away or freeze it for later, follow these tips to ensure that your crab remains flavorful and safe to consume. Remember to always clean the crab and store it in an airtight container or bag. With these tips, you can enjoy fresh Dungeness crab any time you want!