The History of Ora King Salmon: From Humble Beginnings to a World-Renowned Delicacy

Ora King Salmon: A History of Quality and Innovation

Ora King Salmon is a name that is synonymous with quality, sustainability, and innovation. Since its founding in 1997, this New Zealand-based company has been on a mission to produce the finest salmon in the world. Today, Ora King Salmon is served in top restaurants around the globe and is recognized as one of the most premium salmon brands on the market. But how did this company rise to such heights of success? Let's take a closer look at the history of Ora King Salmon.

Origins of Ora King Salmon

The story of Ora King Salmon begins in New Zealand's South Island, where a small company called New Zealand King Salmon was formed in 1997. The company was founded with the goal of producing premium salmon that was sustainably farmed and of the highest quality. Over the years, New Zealand King Salmon developed a reputation for excellence, and in 2012, the company launched a new brand called Ora King Salmon.

The Birth of a Brand

Ora King Salmon was created to offer a premium salmon product that was different from anything else on the market. The company focused on raising salmon in a way that allowed them to develop a unique flavor profile and a consistent level of quality. Ora King Salmon is farmed in the clean, cold waters of New Zealand's Marlborough Sounds, where the fish are given plenty of space to swim and grow. The company also uses a unique feed that is designed to enhance the flavor and texture of the salmon.

Innovation and Sustainability

Ora King Salmon has always been committed to innovation and sustainability. The company was the first salmon producer in the world to be certified by the Global Aquaculture Alliance's Best Aquaculture Practices program, which recognizes companies that meet the highest standards for animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Ora King Salmon also uses a unique grading system that ensures that every fillet that bears the Ora King name meets strict quality standards.


Q: What makes Ora King Salmon different from other types of salmon?

A: Ora King Salmon is raised in a unique way that allows the fish to develop a distinct flavor profile and consistent quality. The fish are farmed in the clean, cold waters of New Zealand's Marlborough Sounds and are given plenty of space to swim and grow. The company also uses a unique feed that is designed to enhance the flavor and texture of the salmon.

Q: Is Ora King Salmon sustainable?

A: Yes, Ora King Salmon is committed to sustainability and has been certified by the Global Aquaculture Alliance's Best Aquaculture Practices program. The company uses environmentally friendly farming practices and is committed to protecting the health and welfare of its fish.

Q: Where can I buy Ora King Salmon?

A: Ora King Salmon is available at select retailers and specialty seafood shops. You can also order it online from the company's website.


The history of Ora King Salmon is a testament to the power of innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to quality. From its humble beginnings as a small New Zealand company, Ora King Salmon has risen to become a world-renowned brand that is recognized for its exceptional flavor and consistency. With its unique approach to farming and commitment to environmental sustainability