Sebastian Crab or Lobster: Understanding the Differences and Similarities

Sebastian Crab vs. Lobster: Key Similarities and Differences

Introduction: Sebastian crabs and lobsters are two fascinating creatures that often pique the curiosity of seafood enthusiasts. While they share certain similarities, they also possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Sebastian crabs and lobsters, exploring their physical attributes, habitat, and culinary significance.

Understanding Sebastian Crabs:

Sebastian crabs, scientifically known as Callinectes sapidus, are decapod crustaceans commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. They are known for their distinctive blue-green color and the diamond-shaped shell, which is wider than it is long. Sebastian crabs possess ten legs, including two large front claws, which they use for defense and catching prey. These crabs are highly valued in the culinary world due to their tender, succulent meat.

Exploring Lobsters:

Lobsters, belonging to the family Nephropidae, are crustaceans with elongated bodies and muscular tails. They inhabit marine waters around the world, with some species found in colder regions and others in tropical areas. Lobsters have a hard exoskeleton and possess ten legs, including two large claws, one used for crushing prey and the other for gripping. Their meat is considered a delicacy and is renowned for its rich flavor and texture.

Key Differences:

  1. Physical Appearance: Sebastian crabs have a wider, oval-shaped body with a distinctive blue-green color, while lobsters have elongated bodies with a dark reddish-brown coloration.
  2. Habitat: Sebastian crabs are primarily found in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, whereas lobsters have a more extensive global distribution, inhabiting various oceanic regions.
  3. Claw Shape: Sebastian crabs have symmetrical claws, with both claws being similar in size. In contrast, lobsters have asymmetrical claws, with one claw being larger and more powerful for crushing prey.
  4. Meat Texture: Sebastian crabs have tender, sweet meat that is often compared to the taste of snow crab. Lobsters, on the other hand, have firm, flavorful meat that is prized for its succulence and richness.


  1. Decapod Crustaceans: Both Sebastian crabs and lobsters belong to the order Decapoda, which means they have ten legs.
  2. Culinary Significance: Both species are highly valued in the culinary world for their delectable meat, often served in various dishes, including crab cakes, lobster bisque, and lobster rolls.
  3. Molting: Both Sebastian crabs and lobsters undergo molting, a process in which they shed their exoskeleton to grow a new, larger one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: Are Sebastian crabs and lobsters safe to eat?

A1: Yes, both Sebastian crabs and lobsters are safe to eat when cooked properly.

Q2: Can Sebastian crabs and lobsters be kept as pets?

A2: While it is possible to keep them in aquariums, Sebastian crabs and lobsters require specific care and conditions that may be challenging for novice pet owners.

Q3: What is the average lifespan of Sebastian crabs and lobsters?

A3: Sebastian crabs typically live up to three years in the wild, while lobsters have a longer lifespan, ranging from 30 to 50 years, depending on the species.


Sebastian crabs and lobsters may belong to the same order of decapod crustaceans, but their differences are notable. From their physical appearance to their habitat and meat texture, each possesses unique characteristics that make them distinct. Whether you prefer the tender sweetness of Sebastian crab or the rich flavor of lobster, both offer a delightful culinary experience. So, next time you indulge in a seafood feast, take a moment to appreciate the fascinating traits that make Sebastian crabs and lobsters stand out in the underwater world.