Cooking King Salmon Aburi Style: A Culinary Journey with Open Fire

Salmon Aburi 

Embark on a culinary adventure with King Salmon prepared Aburi style, a technique that beautifully marries the intricate flavors of this prized fish with the art of open fire cooking. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the process of searing King Salmon to perfection, unlocking the secrets of this exquisite Japanese-inspired cooking method.

The Majesty of King Salmon in Aburi Style

King Salmon, known for its rich, buttery flavor and delicate texture, becomes even more tantalizing when prepared Aburi style. This method involves a quick sear using an open flame, creating a delightful contrast between the slightly charred exterior and the succulent interior.

Choosing the Right King Salmon

  • Freshness: Look for bright, vibrant flesh and a fresh, ocean-like smell.
  • Quality: Opt for sushi-grade salmon for the best results and safety.
  • Sustainability: Choose responsibly sourced King Salmon to support environmental conservation.

Recipe for Aburi Style King Salmon


  • King Salmon fillets: 4 (6-ounce each)
  • Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Mirin: 1 tablespoon
  • Sake: 1 tablespoon
  • Brown sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • Grated ginger: 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic, minced: 1 clove
  • Green onions, thinly sliced: for garnish
  • Sesame seeds: for garnish


  • Kitchen blowtorch or a high-heat skillet
  • Baking sheet


Preparing the Marinade

  1. Combine Ingredients: Mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, brown sugar, grated ginger, and minced garlic in a bowl.
  2. Marinate the Fish: Place the King Salmon fillets in the marinade and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Searing the King Salmon

  1. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Sear Using a Blowtorch: Pat the fillets dry and sear the surface with a blowtorch until it begins to caramelize. Alternatively, use a very hot skillet to sear each side for about 1 minute.
  3. Bake: After searing, place the fillets on a baking sheet and bake for 7-10 minutes, or until cooked through.


  1. Rest: Allow the salmon to rest for a few minutes after baking.
  2. Garnish and Serve: Sprinkle with green onions and sesame seeds before serving.

Tips for Perfect Aburi Style King Salmon

  • Marinade for Depth: Marinating adds flavor and complements the searing process.
  • Control the Flame: Aim for an even sear without burning the delicate skin.
  • Avoid Overcooking: King Salmon should be moist and flaky, not dry.

Serving Suggestions

  • Sides: Pair with steamed rice, sautéed vegetables, or a fresh salad.
  • Wine Pairing: Complement with a glass of Chardonnay or Pinot Noir.


Cooking King Salmon Aburi style is not just about the taste; it's an experience in finesse and flavor. This technique, though simple, demands attention to detail and respect for the ingredients. Whether you're an experienced chef or a home cook, this method of preparing King Salmon promises an unforgettable dining experience that is sure to impress your guests.


1. What is Aburi Style Cooking?

Aburi style is a Japanese culinary technique that involves searing fish, especially sushi or sashimi, using an open flame. This method enhances the fish's natural flavors by creating a light char on the surface while keeping the inside tender and moist.

2. Why is King Salmon Ideal for Aburi Style?

King Salmon, with its rich and fatty texture, is perfect for Aburi style cooking. The high fat content caramelizes beautifully under the flame, enhancing its natural buttery flavor and creating a delightful texture contrast.

3. Can I Make Aburi Style Salmon Without a Blowtorch?

Yes, if you don’t have a blowtorch, you can use a very hot skillet to sear the salmon. The goal is to achieve a quick, light char on the surface without overcooking the inside.

4. How Long Should I Marinate the King Salmon?

Marinating the salmon for at least 30 minutes is recommended. However, for a deeper flavor infusion, you can marinate it for up to 2 hours in the refrigerator.

5. What are the Best Sides to Serve with Aburi Style King Salmon?

Aburi style King Salmon pairs well with a variety of sides, such as steamed rice, sautéed vegetables, fresh salads, or even a simple miso soup.

6. Is King Salmon Healthy?

Yes, King Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. However, its high-fat content means it should be enjoyed in moderation.

7. How Do I Know When the Salmon is Perfectly Cooked?

The salmon is perfectly cooked when it flakes easily with a fork, and the interior is still moist and slightly pink. The exterior should have a slight char but not be burnt.

8. Can I Prepare Aburi Style Salmon in Advance?

It’s best to serve Aburi style salmon immediately after cooking to enjoy the contrast between the warm, charred surface and the cool, tender interior.

9. What Type of Wine Pairs Well with Aburi Style King Salmon?

A light-bodied white wine like Chardonnay or Pinot Noir pairs beautifully with the rich flavors of the salmon.

10. How Can I Ensure Even Searing of the Salmon?

If using a blowtorch, move the flame continuously over the surface to avoid burning. If using a skillet, ensure it’s evenly heated before placing the salmon.