The Different Grades of Beluga Caviar: A Comprehensive Guide

Beluga Caviar Grades Image

Beluga caviar is one of the most sought-after delicacies in the world, prized for its unique taste and texture. But did you know that there are different grades of Beluga caviar? The grading system is based on a variety of factors, including the size, color, texture, and flavor of the eggs. In this post, we will take a comprehensive look at the different grades of Beluga caviar.

Grade 1 Beluga Caviar

Grade 1 Beluga caviar is the highest quality and most expensive grade. The eggs are large, ranging from 3.2 to 3.5mm in diameter, and have a grayish-black color. The texture is smooth and buttery, with a subtle nutty flavor. Grade 1 caviar is also known as "Royal Beluga" and is the rarest and most sought-after.

Grade 2 Beluga Caviar

Grade 2 Beluga caviar is slightly smaller in size, ranging from 2.9 to 3.2mm in diameter. The eggs have a dark gray color and a similar texture and flavor to Grade 1 caviar, but with a slightly more pronounced taste. Grade 2 caviar is also known as "Classic Beluga" and is less expensive than Grade 1.

Grade 3 Beluga Caviar

Grade 3 Beluga caviar is the least expensive and lowest quality grade. The eggs are smaller, ranging from 2.5 to 2.8mm in diameter, and have a lighter color and softer texture. The flavor is less pronounced than the higher grades, with a slightly fishy taste. Grade 3 caviar is also known as "Imperial Beluga" and is often used for mass-market consumption.

Factors Affecting Quality and Price

Several factors affect the quality and price of Beluga caviar, including the age and size of the sturgeon, the location of the harvest, and the processing method. Caviar from older sturgeon is typically more desirable due to the larger egg size and richer flavor. Caviar harvested from wild sturgeon in their natural habitat is also considered higher quality than farmed caviar. The processing method, including the salting and maturing process, can also impact the flavor and texture of the caviar.


Beluga caviar is a luxury delicacy that comes in different grades, each with its own unique characteristics. The grading system is based on factors such as egg size, color, texture, and flavor. Grade 1 Beluga caviar is the highest quality and most expensive, while Grade 3 is the lowest quality and least expensive. Factors such as the age and size of the sturgeon, the location of the harvest, and the processing method also impact the quality and price of the caviar. Whether you prefer the rare and expensive Grade 1 caviar or the more affordable Grade 3, Beluga caviar is a culinary experience like no other.