How to Store IKURA Caviar: Tips and Tricks to Keep it Fresh

How to Store IKURA Caviar: Tips and Tricks to Keep it Fresh

Are you a fan of IKURA caviar but struggling to keep it fresh? Don't worry, you're not alone. Caviar is a delicate delicacy that requires proper handling and storage to maintain its quality and flavor. In this post, we'll share some expert tips and tricks on how to store IKURA caviar and keep it fresh for longer.

  1. Store it in the coldest part of your refrigerator

The first and most important tip for storing caviar is to keep it in the coldest part of your refrigerator. Ideally, you should store it at a temperature between -2 to 4°C (28 to 39°F). This temperature range will ensure that your caviar stays fresh and retains its texture and flavor.

  1. Keep it in its original packaging

When you buy IKURA caviar, it typically comes in a vacuum-sealed tin or jar. This packaging is designed to keep the caviar fresh and prevent it from coming into contact with air, which can cause it to spoil. Therefore, it's important to keep your caviar in its original packaging until you're ready to eat it.

  1. Use a non-metallic spoon

When serving caviar, it's important to use a non-metallic spoon, such as a mother of pearl or bone spoon. Metal can react with the caviar and affect its taste and texture. Using a non-metallic spoon will ensure that your caviar stays fresh and maintains its quality.

  1. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods

Caviar has a delicate flavor and aroma, which can be easily influenced by strong-smelling foods. Therefore, it's important to store your caviar away from foods like onions, garlic, and other pungent foods that can affect its flavor.

  1. Consume it within a few days

Once you've opened your caviar, it's best to consume it within a few days. Caviar is a fresh product, and it's best enjoyed as soon as possible. If you can't finish it within a few days, you can freeze it, but be aware that freezing can affect its texture and flavor.


Q: How long does caviar last in the refrigerator?

A: If stored properly, caviar can last for up to 4 weeks in the refrigerator. However, once opened, it should be consumed within a few days.

Q: Can I freeze caviar?

A: Yes, you can freeze caviar, but be aware that freezing can affect its texture and flavor. If you're going to freeze it, make sure you do it in a vacuum-sealed container to prevent freezer burn.

Q: What's the best way to serve caviar?

A: Caviar is best served chilled on a bed of ice. It's typically served with blinis or toast points and crème fraîche. You can also garnish it with lemon wedges, chopped chives, or chopped eggs.


Storing IKURA caviar properly is essential if you want to enjoy its rich flavor and delicate texture. By following the tips and tricks we've shared in this post, you can ensure that your caviar stays fresh for longer and tastes its best. Remember to store it in the coldest part of your refrigerator.