How to Tell if Salmon Roe is Fresh

Identifying Fresh Salmon Roe

Salmon roe, also known as salmon caviar, is a popular delicacy that is enjoyed around the world. However, not all salmon roe is created equal, and it can be difficult to tell if it is fresh or not. In this post, we will share some simple tips and tricks to help you identify fresh salmon roe.

  1. Look at the Color

Fresh salmon roe should have a bright and vibrant color, typically ranging from bright orange to deep red. If the salmon roe appears dull or discolored, it may not be fresh.

  1. Check the Texture

Fresh salmon roe should have a firm and slightly springy texture. If the salmon roe is mushy or has a slimy texture, it may be spoiled.

  1. Smell it

Fresh salmon roe should have a mild and slightly salty smell. If the salmon roe has a strong fishy or unpleasant odor, it may not be fresh.

  1. Check the Expiration Date

If you're purchasing salmon roe from a store, always check the expiration date on the packaging. If the salmon roe is past its expiration date, it may not be fresh.

  1. Purchase from a Trusted Source

To ensure the freshness and quality of salmon roe, it is important to purchase it from a trusted source. Look for a reputable fishmonger or specialty food store that specializes in high-quality seafood.


Salmon roe is a delicious and delicate food item that should be enjoyed when it is fresh and of good quality. By checking the color, texture, smell, expiration date, and purchasing from a trusted source, you can identify fresh salmon roe and avoid spoiled or low-quality products. With these simple tips and tricks, you can enjoy the delicious and unique flavor of fresh salmon roe with confidence.