The Top 5 Sturgeon Caviar Producers in the World

Sturgeon Caviar

Sturgeon caviar is the epitome of luxury food, and connoisseurs all around the world appreciate the quality and taste of this delicacy. As with any luxury item, the quality of caviar can vary greatly, and it's important to know which producers are the best in the business.

Here are the top 5 sturgeon caviar producers in the world:

  1. Beluga Caviar: Located in Russia, Beluga Caviar is known for its exceptional quality and flavor. The company has been in the caviar business for over 100 years and has earned a reputation as one of the world's finest caviar producers.

  2. Caviar House & Prunier: Based in Switzerland, Caviar House & Prunier has been producing high-quality caviar for over 140 years. The company is known for its sustainable caviar production methods, which have earned it the "Friend of the Sea" certification.

  3. Sterling Caviar: Founded in California in 1986, Sterling Caviar has become a leading producer of sturgeon caviar in the United States. The company's focus on sustainability and innovation has helped it to develop a range of exceptional caviar products.

  4. Iranian Caviar: Iran has a long tradition of producing high-quality caviar, and Iranian caviar is known for its exceptional flavor and texture. Iranian caviar producers are committed to sustainable caviar production, which ensures the long-term viability of the sturgeon population.

  5. Sturgeon AquaFarms: Based in Florida, Sturgeon AquaFarms is a pioneer in sustainable sturgeon farming. The company uses innovative aquaculture techniques to produce some of the finest caviar in the world.


Q: What is the difference between Beluga, Osetra, and Sevruga caviar?

A: Beluga caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon and is the most expensive and rarest of the three. Osetra caviar comes from the osetra sturgeon and is considered to have a more complex flavor than beluga caviar. Sevruga caviar comes from the sevruga sturgeon and is the smallest and least expensive of the three.

Q: Is sturgeon caviar sustainable?

A: Many sturgeon caviar producers are committed to sustainable caviar production. They use innovative aquaculture techniques to ensure the long-term viability of the sturgeon population.

Q: How should I serve sturgeon caviar?

A: Sturgeon caviar is traditionally served on its own or with crackers or toast points. It's best to serve caviar chilled, and you can also accompany it with a glass of champagne or vodka.


Sturgeon caviar is a luxury food that has been enjoyed for centuries. The top sturgeon caviar producers in the world have a long tradition of producing exceptional caviar using sustainable methods. Whether you're looking for Beluga, Osetra, or Sevruga caviar, these producers offer the finest quality and flavor. So go ahead and indulge in a little luxury – you won't regret it!