The Ultimate Guide on How to Store Pacific Halibut and Keep it Fresh for Longer

Fresh Pacific Halibut on Ice

Are you a fan of Pacific halibut but struggle with keeping it fresh for longer? Worry not! Here's a complete guide on how to store Pacific halibut and keep it fresh for longer.

  1. Keep it Cold

The key to keeping Pacific halibut fresh is to keep it cold. Once you've caught your halibut, immediately put it on ice. The ideal temperature for storing halibut is between 32°F and 34°F. Make sure to use plenty of ice and change it frequently to maintain the temperature.

  1. Clean it Properly

Before storing your halibut, make sure to clean it properly. Rinse it with cold water and remove any scales, guts, and other unwanted parts. Pat it dry with paper towels and wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

  1. Use Airtight Containers

If you're planning to store your halibut for a longer period, use airtight containers. These containers will prevent air from getting in and keep your halibut fresh for longer. You can also vacuum-seal your halibut to keep it fresh for up to two years.

  1. Freeze it Properly

If you're planning to freeze your halibut, make sure to do it properly. Wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it in a freezer bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing the bag. Make sure to label the bag with the date and type of fish.

  1. Thaw it Safely

When you're ready to cook your halibut, make sure to thaw it safely. The best way to thaw halibut is to place it in the refrigerator overnight. If you're short on time, you can also thaw it in cold water. Never thaw your halibut at room temperature as this can cause bacteria to grow.


Q: How long can I store halibut in the fridge?

A: You can store halibut in the fridge for up to two days.

Q: How long can I freeze halibut?

A: You can freeze halibut for up to six months.

Q: Can I refreeze halibut after thawing it?

A: No, you should never refreeze halibut after it has been thawed.


By following these simple tips, you can store your Pacific halibut and keep it fresh for longer. Remember to keep it cold, clean it properly, use airtight containers, freeze it properly, and thaw it safely. Enjoy your delicious and fresh halibut with confidence!