How to Choose the Best Gear for Silver Salmon Fishing

Choosing the Best Gear for Silver Salmon Fishing

Are you planning a silver salmon fishing trip but don't know what gear to bring? The right gear can make all the difference between a successful trip and a disappointing one. Here are some expert tips on how to choose the best gear for silver salmon fishing:

Rod and reel:

Look for a medium-heavy rod and reel combo that can handle the weight of silver salmon. A rod between 8-9 feet long with a fast action is ideal for casting and setting the hook. Match the rod with a reel that has a strong drag system and can hold at least 150 yards of 20-30 lb test line.


Choose a monofilament line that matches the weight of your rod and reel. A 20-30 lb test line is suitable for silver salmon fishing. Fluorocarbon lines are also a good option for their low visibility in water.

Lures and bait:

Silver salmon are known to bite on a variety of lures and bait, including spinners, spoons, and plugs. Try using bright colored lures that mimic the salmon's natural prey. Herring, anchovies, and shrimp are popular bait choices.


A strong and sharp hook is essential for catching silver salmon. A size 2/0 or 3/0 hook is suitable for most silver salmon fishing situations.

Fishing vest:

A fishing vest is a convenient way to carry all your gear, including extra lures, hooks, and line. Look for a vest with multiple pockets and a comfortable fit.


Q: What is the best time of year to go silver salmon fishing?

A: The best time to go silver salmon fishing is typically between July and September.

Q: Can I use a spinning reel for silver salmon fishing?

A: Yes, a spinning reel is a good option for silver salmon fishing, as long as it can handle the weight of the fish.

Q: Do I need a fishing license for silver salmon fishing?

A: Yes, a fishing license is required for silver salmon fishing in most areas.


Choosing the right gear is essential for a successful silver salmon fishing trip. Look for a medium-heavy rod and reel combo, a strong and sharp hook, and bright colored lures or popular bait choices. With these expert tips, you'll be well on your way to catching more silver salmon on your next fishing trip. Don't forget to check for any local fishing regulations and obtain a fishing license before you go. Happy fishing!