The Ultimate Guide to Kaluga Caviar vs Beluga Caviar: Know the Difference

Kaluga Caviar vs Beluga Caviar

If you're a fan of caviar, then you know that there are many different types available. Two of the most popular types are Kaluga caviar and Beluga caviar. While they may look similar, they actually have some significant differences. In this post, we'll explore the differences between Kaluga caviar and Beluga caviar to help you decide which one is right for you.

What is Kaluga Caviar?

Kaluga caviar, also known as River Beluga caviar, is produced by the Kaluga sturgeon, which is native to the Amur River basin in Russia and China. This caviar is known for its large, glossy black pearls that have a creamy and buttery flavor. It's often compared to Beluga caviar because of its similar size and taste.

What is Beluga Caviar?

Beluga caviar is produced by the Beluga sturgeon, which is native to the Caspian Sea. This caviar is known for its large, soft, and delicate pearls that have a buttery and nutty flavor. It's often considered the king of caviar because of its high price and rarity.

Difference between Kaluga Caviar and Beluga Caviar

  1. Origin: Kaluga caviar is produced by the Kaluga sturgeon in the Amur River basin, while Beluga caviar is produced by the Beluga sturgeon in the Caspian Sea.

  2. Size: Kaluga caviar pearls are typically larger than Beluga caviar pearls.

  3. Flavor: Kaluga caviar has a creamy and buttery flavor, while Beluga caviar has a buttery and nutty flavor.

  4. Color: Kaluga caviar is usually dark brown to black, while Beluga caviar is usually light to medium gray.

  5. Price: Beluga caviar is typically more expensive than Kaluga caviar due to its rarity and high demand.


Q: Can Kaluga caviar be used as a substitute for Beluga caviar?

A: Yes, Kaluga caviar can be used as a substitute for Beluga caviar because of its similar size and taste.

Q: What is the best way to serve Kaluga caviar?

A: Kaluga caviar is best served chilled and on its own or with a small amount of toast or crackers.

Q: Why is Beluga caviar so expensive?

A: Beluga caviar is expensive due to the rarity of the Beluga sturgeon and the high demand for its caviar.


While both Kaluga caviar and Beluga caviar are delicious and luxurious, they have some notable differences in terms of size, flavor, and price. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference and budget. Whether you opt for Kaluga caviar or Beluga caviar, one thing is for sure – you're in for a truly decadent experience.