How to Plate Sea Urchin Sashimi Like a Pro

Plate of sea urchin sashimi

Sea urchin sashimi, also known as uni, is a delicacy that is loved by many sushi lovers. However, many people are intimidated by the thought of preparing and plating this dish. With this guide, you'll be able to impress your guests with perfectly plated sea urchin sashimi.

Step 1: Purchase Fresh Sea Urchin

Before you begin plating, it's essential to ensure that you have the freshest sea urchin possible. Purchase from a reputable fishmonger or a trusted seafood market. It's best to use sea urchin on the day of purchase to maintain the quality and freshness.

Step 2: Prep Your Ingredients

Next, gather all the ingredients you'll need to plate the sea urchin sashimi. You will need a clean plate, a pair of chopsticks, wasabi, soy sauce, and fresh shiso leaves.

Step 3: Cut the Sea Urchin

Use a pair of kitchen shears to carefully cut open the sea urchin shell. Remove the roe with a spoon and place it in a small bowl. Be careful not to break the roe as it's delicate and can easily get damaged.

Step 4: Arrange the Sea Urchin Roe

Now it's time to arrange the sea urchin roe on the plate. Start by creating a bed of fresh shiso leaves on the plate. Then, gently spoon the sea urchin roe on top of the shiso leaves. Make sure to arrange the roe evenly on the plate.

Step 5: Add Wasabi and Soy Sauce

Add a small amount of wasabi on one side of the plate and pour soy sauce into a small dipping bowl. You can also place the soy sauce directly on the plate. Be careful not to add too much soy sauce as it can overpower the delicate flavor of the sea urchin roe.

Step 6: Final Touches

Lastly, add a few more shiso leaves around the plate for decoration. Use the chopsticks to adjust the roe's position and create a visually appealing dish. Serve immediately and enjoy your perfectly plated sea urchin sashimi.


Q: What does sea urchin sashimi taste like?

A: Sea urchin sashimi has a creamy, buttery, and slightly sweet taste.

Q: Can I use a spoon instead of chopsticks to adjust the roe's position?

A: Yes, you can use a spoon to adjust the roe's position, but chopsticks give you more precision and control.

Q: Can I use other types of leaves besides shiso leaves?

A: Yes, you can use other types of leaves like microgreens or edible flowers. However, shiso leaves complement the flavor of the sea urchin roe perfectly.


Plating sea urchin sashimi may seem daunting, but with this guide, you'll be able to create a visually stunning dish that will impress your guests. Remember to purchase the freshest sea urchin possible, prep your ingredients, and arrange the roe on a bed of shiso leaves. Add wasabi, soy sauce, and final touches, and you're ready to serve. Enjoy!