Mastering the Art of Cutting Sea Urchin for Sushi

Cutting Sea Urchin for Sushi

If you're a sushi lover, you know that sea urchin is a delicacy that can take your sushi experience to the next level. However, preparing it can be a bit intimidating. In this guide, we'll walk you through the art of cutting sea urchin for sushi, step by step.

Step 1: Choose the Right Sea Urchin

Before you start cutting, it's important to choose the right sea urchin. Look for ones that are plump, heavy, and smell fresh, with a deep orange or yellow color. Avoid ones that are too light, have a strong fishy smell, or appear dry and shriveled.

Step 2: Open the Sea Urchin

To open the sea urchin, use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut off the spines around the top. Then, insert a spoon or butter knife into the opening and gently pry it open. Be careful not to damage the roe or the delicate flesh inside.

Step 3: Remove the Roe

Once the sea urchin is open, you'll see the roe, or uni, inside. Carefully remove it with a spoon, being sure to get as much of it out as possible without breaking it up. The roe should be a vibrant orange or yellow color and have a creamy texture.

Step 4: Clean the Roe

Before using the roe, it's important to clean it thoroughly. Rinse it gently in cold water, being careful not to break it up. Then, place it in a bowl of cold water and gently agitate it to remove any remaining debris.

Step 5: Cut the Roe

To cut the roe for sushi, use a sharp knife with a long, thin blade. Hold the roe in one hand and make thin slices across the width of the roe. Be sure to cut cleanly and evenly, without tearing or crushing the delicate flesh.


Q: Can you eat the sea urchin spines?

A: No, the spines are not edible and should be removed before preparing the sea urchin.

Q: How long can sea urchin roe be stored?

A: Fresh sea urchin roe should be consumed as soon as possible after purchase. If you need to store it, keep it in a sealed container in the refrigerator for no more than a day or two.

Q: What should I do if the sea urchin smells bad?

A: If the sea urchin smells bad or appears off in any way, do not eat it. It could be spoiled and unsafe to consume.


Cutting sea urchin for sushi may seem daunting at first, but with the right technique and a little practice, you can master this delicate art. Remember to choose fresh, high-quality sea urchins, be gentle when opening and removing the roe, and use a sharp knife to make clean, even cuts. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to enjoy the rich, creamy flavor of sea urchin in your sushi like a pro.