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Grilled Swordfish: A Culinary Adventure

May 17, 2020

Grilled swordfish steak on a plate with lemon slices and fresh herbs, showcasing the perfect char marks and juicy texture of the fish

Swordfish on the Grill

Welcome to the world of grilled swordfish - a delectable journey that merges the robust flavors of the sea with the smoky charm of the grill. Swordfish, known for its firm texture and mild taste, provides a perfect canvas for a range of marinades and spices. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything from selecting the best swordfish steaks to mastering the art of grilling them to perfection.

Choosing the Perfect Swordfish

Key Characteristics

  • Freshness: Look for bright, almost iridescent flesh. It should smell like the ocean, not fishy.
  • Texture: The flesh should be firm to the touch, indicating freshness.
  • Color: Fresh swordfish steaks are typically a creamy ivory or pinkish hue.

Sustainable Sourcing

Sustainability is crucial when it comes to swordfish. Opt for suppliers who practice responsible fishing methods. Look for certifications like MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) on the packaging.

Preparing Swordfish for the Grill


  • Swordfish steaks (1 inch thick)
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Garlic cloves, minced
  • Fresh herbs (like parsley, dill, or basil)
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Create the Marinade: Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, chopped herbs, salt, and pepper.
  2. Marinate the Fish: Place swordfish steaks in a dish. Pour the marinade over them, ensuring both sides are well-coated. Marinate for 30 minutes to an hour in the refrigerator.

The Grilling Process

Preparing the Grill

  • Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
  • Oil the grates to prevent sticking.

Grilling Swordfish

  1. Remove the Fish from Marinade: Take the swordfish out of the marinade and let excess drip off.
  2. Grill Time: Place swordfish on the grill. Cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side. The fish should be slightly opaque in the center.
  3. Resting: Let the swordfish rest for a few minutes after removing it from the grill.

Serving Suggestions

Side Dishes

  • Grilled Vegetables: Zucchini, bell peppers, and asparagus complement the fish's flavor.
  • Salad: A fresh salad with arugula, cherry tomatoes, and a vinaigrette dressing.
  • Starches: Serve with quinoa, rice, or a baked potato.


  • Drizzle with a bit more olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon.
  • Sprinkle with chopped herbs for added freshness.

Wine Pairing

A chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc or a light Pinot Noir pairs wonderfully with the rich flavors of grilled swordfish.


Grilled swordfish is a splendid dish that impresses with its simplicity and robust flavors. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or looking for a quick weeknight meal, this recipe guarantees satisfaction.

Remember, the key to a perfect grilled swordfish lies in the freshness of the fish, the marinade's flavor, and the grilling technique. Experiment with different herbs and spices in your marinade to find your perfect match

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Grilled Swordfish

1. How do I know when the swordfish is perfectly cooked?

The swordfish is perfectly cooked when it's slightly opaque in the center and easily flakes with a fork. Avoid overcooking as it can become dry. Typically, 4-5 minutes per side on a medium-high grill is sufficient for a 1-inch thick steak.

2. Can I marinate swordfish overnight?

It's best not to marinate swordfish overnight as the acid in the marinade (like lemon juice) can start to "cook" the fish, affecting its texture. A 30-minute to 1-hour marinade is ideal.

3. Is swordfish a healthy choice?

Swordfish is a nutritious choice, rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it's also known to have higher levels of mercury compared to other fish, so it should be consumed in moderation, especially by pregnant women and young children.

4. What are some alternative seasonings or marinades for swordfish?

Swordfish pairs well with a variety of flavors. Try a soy sauce-based marinade with ginger and scallions for an Asian twist, or a mix of Mediterranean spices like oregano, thyme, and a splash of balsamic vinegar.

5. Can I grill swordfish if I don't have an outdoor grill?

Absolutely! You can use a grill pan on your stove. Make sure it's very hot before adding the fish to get those desirable grill marks and sear the outside while keeping the inside moist.

6. How do I prevent swordfish from sticking to the grill?

Ensure your grill grates are clean and oil them lightly before placing the fish on. Also, oiling the fish itself helps prevent sticking.

7. What are the best side dishes to serve with grilled swordfish?

Light and fresh sides work best. Consider a green salad, grilled vegetables, or a citrusy quinoa salad. For a heartier meal, pair with roasted potatoes or a light pasta dish.

8. How can I tell if a swordfish steak is fresh when buying?

Look for steaks with a moist appearance, a mild ocean-like smell, and a slightly shiny, not dull, surface. Avoid any that have a fishy smell or appear dry and flaky.

9. Can I use frozen swordfish steaks for grilling?

Yes, you can use frozen swordfish. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight or under cold running water. Ensure it's completely thawed before marinating and grilling.

10. Are there any sustainability concerns with swordfish?

Swordfish populations have been overfished in the past. Opt for swordfish that is labeled as sustainably caught or sourced from fisheries that use responsible practices. Look for certifications like MSC on the packaging.

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