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Perfect Pairings: Exploring the World of Seafood and Cheese

April 29, 2023

Perfect Pairings: Exploring the World of Seafood and Cheese

Seafood and Cheese Pairing

Seafood and cheese are two culinary powerhouses that, when combined, create a symphony of flavors. But not all seafood and cheese pairings are created equal. To ensure a harmonious combination, it's important to choose the right cheese to complement the flavor and texture of the seafood. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of seafood and cheese pairing and provide you with tips, recipes, and FAQs to help you create an impressive meal that will wow your guests.

Tips for Pairing Seafood and Cheese:

  1. Consider the texture of the cheese: Soft and creamy cheeses, such as brie and camembert, pair well with delicate seafood like scallops and shrimp, while harder cheeses like cheddar and gouda go well with firmer fish like salmon and tuna.

  2. Think about the flavor profile: Bold, pungent cheeses like blue cheese and feta complement the briny taste of oysters and clams, while milder cheeses like mozzarella and ricotta pair well with the subtle flavor of white fish.

  3. Balance the saltiness: Seafood is naturally salty, so it's important to choose a cheese that balances the saltiness. Aged cheeses like parmesan and asiago work well with seafood dishes that are heavily salted, while fresh cheeses like goat cheese and feta can lighten the overall saltiness of the dish.

Recipes for Seafood and Cheese Pairings:

  1. Baked Salmon with Herb Cheese: Top a fillet of salmon with a mixture of herb cheese, breadcrumbs, and lemon juice. Bake until golden brown and serve with roasted vegetables.

  2. Scallop and Brie Appetizer: Wrap a scallop in a slice of prosciutto and top with a small piece of brie cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

  3. Shrimp and Gouda Grits: Make a creamy grits dish with gouda cheese and serve with sautéed shrimp.


Q: Can you pair cheese with shellfish like lobster and crab?

A: Yes! Lobster and crab go well with creamy, buttery cheeses like brie and camembert.

Q: What cheese goes well with smoked salmon?

A: Cream cheese is a classic pairing with smoked salmon, but you can also try a tangy goat cheese or a rich boursin cheese.

Q: Is it safe to eat cheese with seafood?

A: As long as the seafood and cheese are properly cooked and stored, it is safe to eat them together.


Seafood and cheese pairing is a delicious and impressive way to elevate your culinary game. With the right tips, recipes, and knowledge, you can create a meal that will leave your guests begging for more. Remember to balance the texture, flavor profile, and saltiness of the cheese with the seafood to create a harmonious combination. Happy pairing!

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