Looking for a nutritious, protein-packed fish for your meals? 🐟 Both salmon and tilapia offer unique health benefits. Learn how they compare in omega-3s, protein, and vitamins, and discover the best ways to enjoy them in your diet!
The article discusses the potential health risks associated with consuming farmed tilapia, basa, and swai. These fish are popular in the United States due to their low price, but they are produced in crowded freshwater tanks and fed soy-based foods, which can lead to the consumption of contaminants and antibiotics. The article highlights the high level of contaminants, the presence of antibiotics, the risk of toxic bacteria, and the high levels of omega-6 fatty acids in these fish. While seafood is generally considered a healthy addition to any diet, consuming farmed tilapia and similar fish may outweigh any potential health benefits. The article recommends choosing wild-caught and properly labeled tilapia, if you choose to consume it.
Determining what seafood options are good for you and the environment can be confusing, which is why we put together this quick guide for you. Here are three fish that should never be part of a healthy diet.