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Ora King Salmon for Brunch: Perfect Egg Dishes

May 19, 2023

Ora King Salmon for Brunch: Perfect Egg Dishes

Ora King Salmon and Eggs Brunch

Brunch is an essential weekend ritual, and what better way to start the day than with delicious egg dishes paired with Ora King Salmon? Ora King Salmon is a premium, sustainably farmed salmon with a rich, buttery texture that pairs perfectly with eggs. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best Ora King Salmon and egg dishes for your next brunch.

  1. Ora King Salmon Benedict

The classic eggs benedict gets an upgrade with Ora King Salmon. Poach your eggs, toast your English muffins, and top them with a slice of smoked Ora King Salmon and hollandaise sauce. The combination of the rich, buttery salmon and the creamy hollandaise sauce is pure magic.

  1. Ora King Salmon Frittata

A frittata is a versatile dish that can be served for breakfast, brunch, or dinner. To make an Ora King Salmon frittata, whisk together eggs, cream, and your favorite vegetables, and bake until set. Add slices of smoked Ora King Salmon on top for a burst of flavor and protein.

  1. Ora King Salmon Omelette

An Ora King Salmon omelette is an easy and flavorful brunch dish. Whisk together eggs, salt, and pepper, and pour into a hot skillet. Add in diced smoked Ora King Salmon and your favorite vegetables, and fold the omelette in half. Serve with a side salad or roasted potatoes.


Q: Where can I buy Ora King Salmon?

A: Ora King Salmon is available at specialty seafood stores and some grocery stores. You can also purchase it online from trusted seafood suppliers.

Q: How is Ora King Salmon farmed?

A: Ora King Salmon is sustainably farmed in the pristine waters of New Zealand. The salmon are raised in a low-density, free-swimming environment, and are fed a carefully formulated diet.

Q: What are the health benefits of Ora King Salmon?

A: Ora King Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, promote brain health, and support healthy skin and hair.


Elevate your brunch game with Ora King Salmon and delicious egg dishes. From classic eggs benedict to frittatas and omelettes, there are endless possibilities when it comes to pairing Ora King Salmon with eggs. Not only is Ora King Salmon delicious, but it is also sustainably farmed and packed with health benefits. Impress your guests and create unforgettable brunch experiences with Ora King Salmon and eggs.

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