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Seafood Catering Services in Seattle: Bringing the Taste of the Ocean to Your Event

April 27, 2023

Seafood Catering Services in Seattle: Bringing the Taste of the Ocean to Your Event - Global Seafoods North America

Seafood Catering Services in Seattle

Seattle is renowned for its fresh seafood and vibrant culinary scene. From salmon to oysters, crab to halibut, the Pacific Northwest boasts a wide range of delectable seafood dishes that are perfect for any occasion. If you're looking to impress your guests with a unique and memorable culinary experience, seafood catering is the way to go. In this blog post, we'll explore the best seafood catering services in Seattle and how they can make your event a success.

Why Choose Seafood Catering Services in Seattle?

When it comes to catering, seafood is a top choice for many reasons. Firstly, seafood is versatile and can be prepared in a variety of ways, whether it's grilled, fried, or baked. Secondly, seafood is healthy and packed with nutrients, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious guests. Finally, seafood is flavorful and offers a taste of the ocean that can't be replicated with other types of cuisine.

If you're looking for the best seafood catering services in Seattle, here are some options to consider:

  1. Wild Ginger Catering

Wild Ginger Catering is a renowned catering company that specializes in Pacific Rim cuisine. Their seafood options are some of the best in Seattle, featuring dishes like Sichuan pepper prawns, grilled salmon, and Dungeness crab cakes. They use only the freshest ingredients and can accommodate dietary restrictions.

  1. Anthony's Restaurants

Anthony's Restaurants is a well-known seafood chain in Seattle that offers catering services for events of all sizes. They have an extensive menu featuring classic seafood dishes like clam chowder, fish and chips, and grilled salmon. Their catering services include full-service staffing, rentals, and setup.

  1. Duos Catering

Duos Catering is a local catering company that offers a variety of seafood options for events. They feature dishes like smoked salmon pate, crab-stuffed mushrooms, and seafood paella. They also offer vegetarian and vegan options for guests with dietary restrictions.

  1. Salty's on Alki Beach

Salty's on Alki Beach is a waterfront restaurant in Seattle that offers catering services for events. They have a range of seafood options, including fresh oysters, Dungeness crab, and lobster mac and cheese. Their catering services include staffing, rentals, and setup.


Q: How do I choose the best seafood catering service for my event?

A: Consider the type of event you're hosting, the number of guests you'll have, and your budget. Look for catering companies with experience in seafood cuisine and positive reviews from past clients.

Q: Can seafood catering companies accommodate dietary restrictions?

A: Yes, many seafood catering companies offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options for guests with dietary restrictions. Be sure to communicate your needs with the catering company in advance.

Q: Do seafood catering companies provide rentals and setup?

A: Some seafood catering companies provide rentals and setup, while others may require you to provide your own. Be sure to clarify this with the catering company before signing a contract.


Seafood catering is a fantastic way to impress your guests with the flavors of the Pacific Northwest. Whether you're hosting a corporate event, wedding, or family gathering, there are plenty of seafood catering services in Seattle that can make your event a success. From classic dishes to innovative creations, the options are endless. So why not add a touch of the ocean to your next event with seafood catering? Contact

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