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Can Pregnant Women Eat Seafood? Understanding Safe Choices

September 06, 2017

Variety of pregnancy-safe seafood options including cooked salmon, tilapia, and shrimp displayed on a well-arranged dining table

The Nutritional Value of Seafood in Pregnancy

Seafood is a valuable source of nutrients essential during pregnancy, such as omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins. For instance, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish like salmon and sardines are crucial for fetal brain development.

Safe Seafood Options During Pregnancy

Many types of seafood are safe for pregnant women, provided they are low in mercury and properly cooked. These include:

  • Tilapia and Pollock: Mild-flavored, low-mercury fish, suitable for a variety of dishes.
  • Shrimp, Crab Legs, and Lobster: These shellfish are low in mercury but should be fully cooked to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.
  • Salmon and Sardines: High in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury.

Seafood to Limit or Avoid During Pregnancy

Certain fish have high mercury levels and should be limited or avoided:

  • Sea Bass and Chilean Sea Bass: These can be consumed occasionally, but it’s important to check for mercury levels.
  • Swordfish, Shark, and King Mackerel: High in mercury and best avoided.
  • Ahi Tuna and Bigeye Tuna: These types of tuna have higher mercury levels compared to canned light tuna.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Mahi Mahi and Grouper?

Mahi Mahi and Grouper can be consumed in moderation during pregnancy. They are generally safe but contain higher mercury levels than other fish.

The Debate Around Octopus and Exotic Seafood

While octopus can be eaten during pregnancy, it should be consumed in moderation due to potential allergens and its high cholesterol content.

Sea Bass, Crab Legs, and Lobster During Pregnancy

Sea bass, crab legs, and lobster can be part of a pregnancy diet. However, for sea bass and lobster, moderation is key due to varying mercury content.

Preparing Seafood Safely During Pregnancy

When preparing seafood, ensure that it is cooked thoroughly. Fish should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F, and shellfish should be cooked until opaque.

Consult Healthcare Providers

Before including seafood in your pregnancy diet, consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice, especially for seafood like sea bass, Chilean sea bass, mahi mahi, and grouper.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach to Seafood During Pregnancy

In conclusion, pregnant women can enjoy a variety of seafood, but it's essential to choose options that are low in mercury and to prepare them safely. A balanced approach to seafood can contribute to the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Remember, while seafood offers numerous health benefits, being informed and cautious is important during pregnancy. Stay updated with our blog for more insights into pregnancy-safe diets.


  1. Can pregnant women safely eat seafood?

    • Yes, pregnant women can eat seafood, but they need to choose low-mercury options and ensure it's properly cooked.
  2. What types of seafood are recommended during pregnancy?

    • Safe options include salmon, tilapia, pollock, shrimp, crab legs, and lobster. These are low in mercury and high in beneficial nutrients.
  3. Are there any types of seafood pregnant women should avoid?

    • Pregnant women should avoid high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. Limit consumption of sea bass, Chilean sea bass, and certain types of tuna like ahi and bigeye.
  4. Can pregnant women eat shellfish like crab legs and lobster?

    • Yes, shellfish like crab legs and lobster are safe during pregnancy when fully cooked.
  5. Is it safe to eat mahi mahi or grouper while pregnant?

    • Mahi mahi and grouper can be eaten in moderation due to their slightly higher mercury levels compared to other seafood.
  6. Can pregnant women consume sushi or raw seafood?

    • Raw seafood, including sushi, should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of bacteria and parasites.
  7. How should seafood be cooked for pregnant women?

    • Seafood should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F. Shellfish should be cooked until it's opaque.
  8. Is smoked seafood safe during pregnancy?

    • Smoked seafood should be consumed cautiously and ideally only if it's been cooked to safe temperatures.
  9. Can eating seafood benefit the baby's development?

    • Yes, the omega-3 fatty acids in seafood are beneficial for the baby’s brain and eye development.
  10. Should pregnant women take any precautions when buying seafood?

    • Pregnant women should buy fresh or frozen seafood from reputable sources and avoid fish from waters known to be highly polluted.

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