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The Best Bait for White Sturgeon in the Spring: A Comprehensive Guide

May 11, 2023

The Best Bait for White Sturgeon in the Spring: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Bait for White Sturgeon in Spring

Are you an avid sturgeon angler? Do you want to know the best bait to use when targeting white sturgeon in the spring? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the top baits to use, as well as provide tips on fishing techniques to increase your chances of catching a big one.

The Best Bait for White Sturgeon in the Spring

  1. Lamprey Eel: Lamprey eel is a top choice for many anglers when targeting white sturgeon. These eels are a natural food source for sturgeon, and their scent and taste make them irresistible to these fish. They are especially effective when fished in areas with strong currents.

  2. Shrimp: Shrimp is another excellent bait for white sturgeon. Their scent and taste attract sturgeon, and they can be fished using a variety of techniques. They work well in both shallow and deep water and can be used with or without weights.

  3. Squid: Squid is a popular bait for many types of fish, including white sturgeon. They have a strong scent that can attract sturgeon from a distance, and their tentacles provide an enticing visual appeal. Squid can be used on a hook or as a bait wrap.

  4. Herring: Herring is a classic bait that has been used for years to catch white sturgeon. They are a natural food source for these fish and their scent and taste are irresistible. They can be fished whole or cut into pieces, and they work well in both freshwater and saltwater.

Fishing Techniques for White Sturgeon

Now that you know the best bait to use when targeting white sturgeon, it's essential to know how to fish with them effectively. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Use a heavy rod: White sturgeon are big fish, and they require heavy gear to catch. A rod with a heavy action and a high line weight is ideal for sturgeon fishing.

  2. Fish in the right spot: White sturgeon can be found in deep, slow-moving water, so it's essential to fish in the right spot. Look for areas with a depth of at least 20 feet and a steady current.

  3. Use a sliding sinker rig: A sliding sinker rig is an effective way to fish for sturgeon. It allows the bait to move freely in the current, which can attract more fish.

  4. Be patient: White sturgeon are not easy to catch, so it's important to be patient. It can take hours or even days to land a big one, but the reward is worth it.


Q: What is the best time of day to fish for white sturgeon?

A: White sturgeon can be caught at any time of day, but they are most active during the early morning and late afternoon.

Q: Do I need a fishing license to catch white sturgeon?

A: Yes, a fishing license is required to fish for white sturgeon.

Q: What is the best time of year to catch white sturgeon?

A: Spring is the best time of year to catch white sturgeon.


In conclusion, the best bait for white sturgeon in the spring is lamprey eel, shrimp, squid, and herring. When fishing for sturgeon, it's essential to use heavy gear

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