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The Record-Breaking Catch: What is the Largest White Sturgeon Ever Caught?

May 02, 2023

The Record-Breaking Catch: What is the Largest White Sturgeon Ever Caught?

White Sturgeon

White Sturgeon are known for their massive size and impressive weight, with some of the largest specimens reaching lengths of up to 20 feet and weighing over 1,500 pounds. But what is the largest White Sturgeon ever caught? In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating story of the biggest catch in history and shed some light on the incredible size and weight of this remarkable fish.

The Largest White Sturgeon Ever Caught

The largest White Sturgeon ever caught was landed in the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, in 2012. The massive fish was caught by fisherman Joey Pallotta and measured a whopping 11 feet 7 inches in length and weighed an astonishing 1,100 pounds. The catch was verified by the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society and broke the previous record by over 100 pounds.

According to Pallotta, it took over an hour to reel in the giant White Sturgeon, and the battle was so intense that it left him physically and mentally drained. He described the experience as "exhilarating and terrifying at the same time." After taking some quick measurements and photos, Pallotta released the fish back into the river to continue its journey.

The Size and Weight of White Sturgeon

White Sturgeon are one of the largest freshwater fish species in North America and can live for over 100 years. They are known for their long, slender bodies, prominent scutes (bony plates), and distinctive snouts. White Sturgeon can grow to enormous sizes, with males typically reaching lengths of 10 to 12 feet and females reaching lengths of 15 to 20 feet. The weight of White Sturgeon can also vary greatly, with some specimens weighing as little as 100 pounds and others weighing over 1,500 pounds.


Q: Where can you catch White Sturgeon?

A: White Sturgeon can be found in several rivers and estuaries along the Pacific coast of North America, including the Columbia River, the Fraser River, and the Sacramento River.

Q: What do White Sturgeon eat?

A: White Sturgeon are bottom-feeders and primarily eat small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.

Q: Are White Sturgeon endangered?

A: Yes, White Sturgeon are considered a threatened species and are protected under the Endangered Species Act.


The record-breaking catch of the largest White Sturgeon ever caught is a testament to the incredible size and weight of this species. With some specimens reaching lengths of up to 20 feet and weighing over 1,500 pounds, White Sturgeon are truly a marvel of the natural world. While they face numerous threats, including habitat loss and overfishing, conservation efforts are underway to protect and preserve this remarkable species for future generations to appreciate and admire.

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