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Ultimate Guide on How to Choose the Best Bait for White Sturgeon

April 26, 2023

Ultimate Guide on How to Choose the Best Bait for White Sturgeon

White Sturgeon

White sturgeon fishing can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it requires the right bait to attract these elusive fish. In this guide, we will explore some of the best baits to use when fishing for white sturgeon, and provide tips on how to improve your chances of success.

  1. Use Smelly Baits White sturgeon have an excellent sense of smell and are attracted to strong odors. Using baits like shad, herring, and anchovies can be effective in luring them to your hook. Cut bait is also a good option as it releases a strong odor in the water, making it easier for the sturgeon to find.

  2. Use Live Baits Live baits are always a great option when fishing for sturgeon. Nightcrawlers, sand shrimp, and crayfish are all good choices. Live baits can be used alone or in combination with other baits to create a more enticing scent.

  3. Use Artificial Baits Artificial baits can also be used to catch white sturgeon. Lures that mimic the movement of fish are a good option. Look for lures that are the same size as the baitfish in the area, and those that have a natural-looking color.

  4. Consider Water Conditions The water conditions can play a significant role in determining which bait to use. In muddy water, for example, baits with strong scents are more effective. In clear water, using live bait or artificial lures can be more successful.


Q: What is the best time of day to fish for white sturgeon?

A: White sturgeon are more active during low light conditions, so early morning or late evening can be the best times to fish for them.

Q: What is the best bait for white sturgeon in rivers? A

: In rivers, cut bait, sand shrimp, and crayfish are some of the best baits to use for white sturgeon.

Q: How do I know if I have a white sturgeon on my line?

A: White sturgeon are known for their powerful and explosive jumps when hooked, so if you feel a sudden jolt on your line, it could be a white sturgeon.


Choosing the right bait is essential when fishing for white sturgeon. Whether you decide to use smelly baits, live baits, or artificial baits, it's important to consider the water conditions and the time of day you are fishing. By following the tips in this guide, you can increase your chances of success and catch a trophy white sturgeon.

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