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Discover the Best Places to Get Lobster in Maine: A Seafood Lover's Guid

April 22, 2023

Discover the Best Places to Get Lobster in Maine: A Seafood Lover's Guid

Lobster feast in Maine

Maine is famous for its succulent, freshly caught lobster, making it a must-visit destination for seafood lovers. Whether you're a local or a tourist, indulging in the best lobster is a quintessential Maine experience. But with so many lobster joints in the state, it can be challenging to choose the best ones. Fear not; we've put together a list of the top places to get lobster in Maine.

The Lobster Shack at Two Lights:

Located in Cape Elizabeth, this quintessential Maine lobster shack offers stunning views of the rocky coast and lighthouses. Their lobster rolls and lobster stew are a must-try.

Eventide Oyster Co.:

This award-winning Portland restaurant is known for its unique twists on classic Maine seafood dishes. Their brown butter lobster roll is a must-try.

The Clam Shack:

Situated in Kennebunkport, this classic Maine clam shack is famous for its juicy lobster rolls and fried clams.

The Maine Lobster Festival:

Held annually in Rockland, this five-day event is a celebration of Maine's lobster industry. Enjoy lobster cook-offs, live music, and carnival rides.

Five Islands Lobster Co.:

This Georgetown seafood joint offers spectacular views of the Sheepscot River and serves up some of the freshest lobster in Maine.

Young's Lobster Pound:

Located in Belfast, this family-owned lobster pound offers lobster dinners and lobster rolls at affordable prices.


Q: What is the best time to visit Maine for lobster?

A: The best time to visit Maine for lobster is during the summer months, from June to August.

Q: How much does a lobster dinner typically cost in Maine?

A: The cost of a lobster dinner in Maine varies depending on the location and the size of the lobster, but it typically ranges from $25 to $50.

Q: Are there any vegetarian options at these lobster joints?

A: Yes, most lobster joints offer vegetarian options such as salads and sandwiches.


Whether you're a fan of lobster rolls, steamed lobster, or lobster stew, Maine has got you covered. From classic lobster shacks to upscale restaurants, the state boasts some of the best places to get lobster in the world. So why wait? Plan your trip to Maine and indulge in the freshest, most succulent lobster you'll ever taste.

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