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Ora King Salmon: The Ultimate Party Food

May 17, 2023

Ora King Salmon: The Ultimate Party Food

Ora King Salmon Platter

Are you looking for a show-stopping dish to serve at your next party? Look no further than Ora King Salmon! This gourmet fish is not only delicious, but also versatile and easy to prepare. In this blog post, we’ll explore the many ways you can serve Ora King Salmon to impress your guests.

Why Choose Ora King Salmon for Your Party?

Ora King Salmon is a sustainably raised fish from New Zealand that is known for its rich flavor and buttery texture. Its high fat content makes it a versatile fish that can be prepared in many different ways, from grilling to smoking to baking. It also pairs well with a variety of flavors, making it a great addition to any party menu.

How to Prepare Ora King Salmon

When preparing Ora King Salmon, it’s important to handle it with care to ensure that it stays moist and flavorful. Here are some tips for preparing Ora King Salmon:

  • Remove the skin: Ora King Salmon skin is edible, but it can be tough and chewy. To remove it, use a sharp knife to cut between the flesh and the skin, starting at the tail end.
  • Season it well: Ora King Salmon is delicious on its own, but it also pairs well with a variety of seasonings and marinades. Try a simple salt and pepper seasoning or a flavorful marinade made with herbs, citrus, and olive oil.
  • Cook it to perfection: Ora King Salmon can be cooked in many different ways, from grilling to baking to smoking. To ensure that it is cooked to perfection, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. It should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F.

How to Serve Ora King Salmon

Ora King Salmon can be served in many different ways, depending on your party theme and menu. Here are some ideas for serving Ora King Salmon:

  • Grilled: Grilled Ora King Salmon is a classic preparation that is perfect for summer parties. Serve it with a simple salad or grilled vegetables for a healthy and flavorful meal.
  • Smoked: Smoked Ora King Salmon is a delicious and impressive dish that is perfect for more formal parties. Serve it with crackers, cream cheese, and capers for a classic smoked salmon platter.
  • Baked: Baked Ora King Salmon is an easy and elegant dish that is perfect for dinner parties. Serve it with a side of roasted vegetables or a light salad for a complete meal.


Q: Is Ora King Salmon sustainable?

A: Yes, Ora King Salmon is sustainably raised in New Zealand using environmentally friendly practices.

Q: Can I eat Ora King Salmon raw?

A: Yes, Ora King Salmon is safe to eat raw, but it should be handled with care to avoid any potential health risks.

Q: How long does Ora King Salmon stay fresh?

A: Ora King Salmon should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within two to three days of purchase.


Ora King Salmon is the ultimate party food that is sure to impress your guests. With its rich flavor, buttery texture, and versatility, it’s a gourmet fish that can be prepared in many different ways. Whether you grill it, smoke it, or bake it, Ora King Salmon is a delicious and healthy addition to any party menu. So next time you’re planning a party, be sure to include O

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