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The Complete Guide on How Ora King Salmon is Farmed

May 05, 2023

The Complete Guide on How Ora King Salmon is Farmed - Global Seafoods North America

Ora King Salmon farming process

Ora King Salmon is a brand of sustainably farmed salmon that is well-known for its rich flavor and high-quality. The salmon is raised in the pristine waters of New Zealand and is free from antibiotics and hormones. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how Ora King Salmon is farmed, from their life cycle to the environmental practices used in their farming.

The Life Cycle of Ora King Salmon

The Ora King Salmon life cycle begins when mature salmon spawn in freshwater rivers and streams. The eggs hatch into alevins, which are small and rely on the nutrients found in their yolk sacs. After the yolk sac is depleted, they become fry and begin to swim and feed on plankton. The fry then develop into smolts and migrate to saltwater environments, where they will grow and mature into adult salmon.

Feeding Practices

Ora King Salmon is raised on a diet of sustainably sourced fish meal and fish oil, which helps to maintain their rich flavor and high omega-3 content. The fish feed is carefully monitored to ensure that the salmon are receiving the proper nutrition they need to grow and thrive.

Environmental Practices

Ora King Salmon farming is done in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. The salmon are raised in low-density pens that are located in areas with strong currents and clean water. The pens are also cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of waste and ensure a healthy environment for the salmon. Additionally, Ora King Salmon is committed to reducing their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources and implementing eco-friendly practices.


Q: Is Ora King Salmon farmed sustainably?

A: Yes, Ora King Salmon is farmed using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Q: Are antibiotics and hormones used in Ora King Salmon farming?

A: No, antibiotics and hormones are not used in Ora King Salmon farming.

Q: What is the flavor profile of Ora King Salmon?

A: Ora King Salmon has a rich, buttery flavor with a high omega-3 content.


Ora King Salmon is a premium brand of salmon that is known for its sustainability, ethical farming practices, and delicious flavor. By using low-density pens and eco-friendly practices, Ora King Salmon is committed to providing high-quality salmon that is free from antibiotics and hormones. We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of how Ora King Salmon is farmed and why it is considered one of the best salmon brands on the market.

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