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The Story of Amur Kaluga Caviar: From Sturgeon to Table

October 25, 2023

The Story of Amur Kaluga Caviar: From Sturgeon to Table

The History of Amur Kaluga Caviar

Amur Kaluga caviar, also known as Huso Dauricus, is a rare and exquisite delicacy that has a fascinating history. This luxurious caviar comes from the Amur River in Russia and is harvested from the Kaluga sturgeon, a magnificent fish that can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh over 2,000 pounds.

The Harvesting Process

The process of harvesting Amur Kaluga caviar is a meticulous and time-consuming task. Once the Kaluga sturgeon reaches maturity, which can take up to 10-15 years, it is carefully caught and brought to a sustainable caviar farm.

At the caviar farm, the sturgeon is gently hand-milked to extract the precious eggs. This process ensures that the sturgeon remains unharmed and can continue to produce caviar for many years to come.

The Aging and Maturing Process

After the eggs are harvested, they are carefully sorted, washed, and salted to enhance their flavor and preserve them. The caviar is then placed in special aging rooms, where it undergoes a maturing process that can take several months.

During this time, the caviar develops a rich, buttery flavor and a smooth, velvety texture. The aging process is crucial in bringing out the unique characteristics that make Amur Kaluga caviar so highly sought after by caviar connoisseurs around the world.

The Presentation and Enjoyment

When it comes time to enjoy Amur Kaluga caviar, it is typically served in small portions on a mother of pearl spoon or alongside blinis, a type of Russian pancake, and crème fraîche. The caviar's large, glossy black pearls are a sight to behold and provide a burst of flavor with each bite.

Whether served at an extravagant event or enjoyed in the comfort of your own home, Amur Kaluga caviar is a luxurious treat that elevates any dining experience.


The story of Amur Kaluga caviar is one that is steeped in tradition and craftsmanship. From the majestic Kaluga sturgeon to the careful harvesting and aging process, every step is taken to ensure that this delicacy is of the highest quality.

So, the next time you indulge in a serving of Amur Kaluga caviar, take a moment to appreciate the journey it has taken to reach your table and savor every exquisite bite.

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