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The Sustainability of Kaluga Caviar: How It’s Harvested and Produced

May 12, 2023

The Sustainability of Kaluga Caviar: How It’s Harvested and Produced

Kaluga caviar on a white plate

Kaluga caviar is one of the world's most prized delicacies, renowned for its buttery texture and nutty flavor. But what sets it apart from other types of caviar is its sustainability. In this post, we'll take a closer look at how Kaluga caviar is harvested and produced in an eco-friendly way, ensuring that this luxurious food source is available for generations to come.

Harvesting Kaluga Caviar

Kaluga caviar comes from the Kaluga sturgeon, a large and ancient species that can live for up to 100 years. These fish are native to the Amur River in Russia and China and are considered a threatened species due to overfishing and habitat loss. However, sustainable farming practices have allowed for the successful cultivation of Kaluga sturgeon in captivity, reducing the pressure on wild populations.

At Kaluga Queen, one of the leading producers of Kaluga caviar, the fish are raised in large tanks filled with pure, aerated water. They are fed a diet of high-quality fish meal and kept in optimal conditions to ensure their health and wellbeing. This approach not only ensures a consistent and high-quality product but also reduces the impact on wild populations.

Production of Kaluga Caviar

Once the sturgeon reach maturity, they are gently harvested and the eggs are carefully extracted. At Kaluga Queen, the caviar is produced using a traditional Malossol method, which means "little salt" in Russian. This process involves adding just enough salt to preserve the delicate flavor and texture of the eggs.

After the eggs are salted, they are carefully hand-packed into tins and sealed for freshness. The tins are then placed in a temperature-controlled environment to allow the flavors to mature and develop. This results in a product that is rich in flavor, with a creamy texture that melts in your mouth.


Q: Is Kaluga caviar environmentally sustainable?

A: Yes, Kaluga caviar is sustainably produced using eco-friendly practices that prioritize the health and wellbeing of the fish and their habitat.

Q: How does Kaluga caviar compare to other types of caviar?

A: Kaluga caviar is known for its buttery texture and nutty flavor, which sets it apart from other types of caviar.

Q: Where can I buy Kaluga caviar?

A: Kaluga caviar is available from a variety of high-end retailers and online shops.


In conclusion, Kaluga caviar is not only a luxurious delicacy but also a sustainable food source that is harvested and produced using eco-friendly practices. By supporting producers who prioritize the health and wellbeing of their fish and their habitat, we can ensure that this prized delicacy will be available for generations to come.

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