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The Ultimate Dungeness Crab Legs Feast: Tips and Tricks for Your Next Gathering

April 23, 2023

The Ultimate Dungeness Crab Legs Feast: Tips and Tricks for Your Next Gathering

Dungeness Crab Legs

The Ultimate Dungeness Crab Legs Feast: Tips and Tricks for Your Next Gathering

If you're looking to host a seafood feast, look no further than Dungeness crab legs. These delicious and nutritious seafood delicacies are perfect for a gathering of friends and family, and can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit everyone's tastes. In this post, we'll share our tips and tricks for preparing, serving, and enjoying Dungeness crab legs at your next gathering.

  1. Choose the Right Quantity

When purchasing Dungeness crab legs for your feast, it's important to choose the right quantity. A good rule of thumb is to plan on 1-2 pounds of crab legs per person. This will ensure that everyone has enough to eat without overloading your table.

  1. Thaw and Prepare the Crab Legs

If you're using frozen Dungeness crab legs, be sure to thaw them overnight in the refrigerator or in cold water for a few hours before your gathering. Once thawed, you can prepare them by boiling, steaming, or grilling, depending on your preference.

  1. Add Some Flavor

While Dungeness crab legs are delicious on their own, you can add some extra flavor by serving them with melted butter, garlic butter, or a spicy dipping sauce. You can also add some seasoning to the water when boiling or steaming the crab legs, such as Old Bay seasoning or lemon juice.

  1. Serve with the Right Tools

To make it easy for your guests to crack open the crab legs and extract the meat, be sure to provide them with the right tools. Crab crackers, seafood forks, and small bowls for discarded shells are all essential for a successful Dungeness crab legs feast.

  1. Pair with the Right Sides

Dungeness crab legs are a versatile ingredient that pairs well with a variety of sides. Some popular options include garlic bread, corn on the cob, roasted vegetables, or a simple salad. You can also serve them with a chilled white wine or a crisp beer to complement the flavors.


Dungeness crab legs are a delicious and nutritious seafood delicacy that are perfect for any gathering. With our tips and tricks, you can prepare, serve, and enjoy them with ease, impressing your guests with a memorable feast. So next time you're hosting a gathering, consider adding Dungeness crab legs to the menu for a truly unforgettable experience.

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