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How to Pair Wine with Sea Urchin Sushi: A Guide for Wine Lovers

May 11, 2023

How to Pair Wine with Sea Urchin Sushi: A Guide for Wine Lovers

Wine pairing for sea urchin sushi

Sea urchin sushi, or uni, is a delicacy enjoyed by many sushi enthusiasts. It has a distinct flavor that can be described as creamy, briny, and slightly sweet. But what about pairing it with wine? Wine can complement the flavor of sea urchin sushi and enhance your dining experience. In this blog post, we will guide you through the best wine pairings for sea urchin sushi.

  1. Champagne

Champagne is a popular choice for seafood, and it pairs perfectly with sea urchin sushi. The bubbles and acidity in Champagne cut through the richness of the sea urchin, while the toasty notes in Champagne complement its briny flavor. Try a Brut or Extra Brut Champagne with your sea urchin sushi for a perfect pairing.

  1. Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is a dry white wine with a high acidity that makes it a perfect match for sea urchin sushi. It has herbal and grassy notes that balance the richness of the sea urchin, and its bright acidity complements its briny flavor. Look for a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand or California for the best pairing.

  1. Chablis

Chablis is a crisp, unoaked Chardonnay from the Burgundy region of France. Its minerality and acidity make it a great choice for sea urchin sushi. Chablis has citrus and green apple notes that complement the flavor of sea urchin, and its acidity balances its creaminess. Choose a Premier Cru or Grand Cru Chablis for a special occasion.

  1. Pinot Noir

If you prefer red wine, Pinot Noir is a good choice for sea urchin sushi. Its light body and high acidity make it a great match for the briny and creamy flavor of sea urchin. Pinot Noir has fruity notes that complement its sweetness, and its acidity balances its richness. Look for a Pinot Noir from Oregon or California for the best pairing.


Q: Can I pair sea urchin sushi with other types of wine?

A: Yes, you can pair sea urchin sushi with other types of wine, such as Riesling or Chardonnay. However, we recommend trying the wines listed above for the best pairing.

Q: Can I pair sea urchin sushi with red wine?

A: Yes, Pinot Noir is a good choice for sea urchin sushi because of its light body and high acidity. However, we recommend trying white wines first for the best pairing.

Q: What should I avoid pairing with sea urchin sushi?

A: Avoid pairing sea urchin sushi with heavy or tannic wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec, as they can overpower the delicate flavor of sea urchin.


Pairing wine with sea urchin sushi can be a fun and exciting experience. Champagne, Sauvignon Blanc, Chablis, and Pinot Noir are all great choices that can enhance the flavor of sea urchin sushi. Remember to choose a wine with high acidity and light body to complement the richness and creaminess of the sea urchin. Experiment with different wines to find your perfect pairing, and enjoy!

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