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Snow Crab Legs Nutrition Facts You Need to Know

April 22, 2023

Snow Crab Legs Nutrition Facts You Need to Know

Snow Crab Legs Nutrition

Snow crab legs are a delicacy enjoyed by seafood lovers around the world. Not only are they delicious, but they also offer a range of nutritional benefits. In this post, we'll explore the snow crab legs nutrition facts you need to know, including their protein and calorie content, as well as tips for preparing and enjoying them.

Nutrition Facts of Snow Crab Legs

One of the primary reasons why people love snow crab legs is their high protein content. A 3-ounce serving of snow crab legs contains approximately 15 grams of protein, making them an excellent source of this essential nutrient. Additionally, snow crab legs are relatively low in calories, with a 3-ounce serving containing just 70 calories. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose a few pounds.

Snow crab legs are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium. Vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy nervous system, while phosphorus plays a vital role in bone health. Selenium is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

How to Prepare Snow Crab Legs

Preparing snow crab legs is relatively straightforward. The most common way to cook them is to steam or boil them. To do this, place the crab legs in a pot of boiling water and cook for 4-5 minutes until they turn bright orange.

Another way to prepare snow crab legs is to bake them in the oven. To do this, preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, brush the crab legs with melted butter, and sprinkle them with your favorite seasonings. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the meat is hot and tender.


Q: Are snow crab legs high in cholesterol?

A: Yes, snow crab legs are high in cholesterol, with a 3-ounce serving containing approximately 45 milligrams. However, research has shown that dietary cholesterol has less of an impact on blood cholesterol levels than previously believed, so it's generally safe to consume snow crab legs in moderation.

Q: Are snow crab legs safe to eat during pregnancy?

A: Yes, snow crab legs are safe to eat during pregnancy. However, it's important to make sure they are cooked thoroughly to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

Q: How do I know when snow crab legs are cooked?

A: Snow crab legs are cooked when the meat is hot and tender and has turned bright orange. You can also check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. The temperature should reach 145 degrees Fahrenheit.


Snow crab legs are a delicious and nutritious seafood option that offer a range of health benefits. With their high protein and low calorie content, they're an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose a few pounds. Whether you steam, boil, or bake them, snow crab legs are easy to prepare and enjoy. So next time you're in the mood for seafood, consider giving snow crab legs a try!

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