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The Most Expensive Sturgeon Caviar in the World: A Closer Look

May 07, 2023

The Most Expensive Sturgeon Caviar in the World: A Closer Look

The Most Expensive Sturgeon Caviar in the World

Sturgeon caviar is one of the world's most exclusive delicacies, sought after by food connoisseurs and luxury enthusiasts alike. The prices for sturgeon caviar vary significantly depending on the species, location, and rarity. However, there is one sturgeon caviar that reigns supreme as the most expensive in the world: the Beluga caviar.

What Makes Beluga Caviar So Expensive?

Beluga caviar comes from the Beluga sturgeon, one of the largest freshwater fish species in the world. Beluga sturgeon is native to the Caspian Sea and is known for its giant size, slow maturation, and scarcity. Beluga sturgeon can take up to 20 years to reach maturity, making it a rare and prized catch.

Beluga caviar eggs are large, ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters in diameter. They have a unique, buttery taste that is often described as "velvety" and a texture that melts in your mouth. The eggs have a light gray to dark gray color, with a glossy and firm exterior.

Beluga caviar is rare and difficult to obtain due to overfishing and poaching, as well as increasing environmental concerns. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has listed Beluga sturgeon as a critically endangered species and has placed strict regulations on their trade and harvest.

Due to its rarity and exclusivity, Beluga caviar commands high prices, with some varieties fetching over $10,000 per kilogram. The most expensive Beluga caviar comes from the Caspian Sea, where the fish is native. The Iranian Beluga caviar is considered to be the finest and most expensive, with a kilogram costing up to $25,000.


Q: How is sturgeon caviar harvested?

A: Sturgeon caviar is harvested by removing the eggs from the fish's ovaries. The process is done surgically, and the fish is usually not harmed.

Q: What is the difference between Beluga caviar and other types of caviar?

A: Beluga caviar has larger eggs and a unique buttery taste that sets it apart from other caviar varieties.

Q: What is the best way to serve sturgeon caviar?

A: Sturgeon caviar is best served chilled on a bed of ice, with a mother of pearl spoon.


Beluga caviar is not only the most expensive sturgeon caviar in the world, but it's also one of the rarest and most exclusive delicacies in the world. The combination of its unique taste, rarity, and luxury appeal make it a highly sought-after food item. However, its high price tag and environmental concerns make it a controversial delicacy. If you have the chance to try Beluga caviar, be sure to savor it and appreciate it for the rare delicacy that it is.

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