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The Top 5 Places to Buy High-Quality Ikura Online

April 27, 2023

The Top 5 Places to Buy High-Quality Ikura Online

Best Places to Buy High-Quality Ikura Online

If you are a fan of caviar, then you must try Ikura, which is the Japanese name for salmon roe. This delicacy is known for its rich flavor, unique texture, and nutritional benefits. Whether you want to enjoy it as a topping for sushi or sashimi, or use it as an ingredient in your favorite recipes, you need to find a reliable source that offers high-quality Ikura at reasonable prices. To help you with your quest, we have curated a list of the top 5 places to buy Ikura online. Let's take a closer look.

  1. Catalina Offshore Products

Catalina Offshore Products is a San Diego-based seafood company that specializes in sustainably sourced seafood. Their Ikura is sourced from wild-caught Alaskan salmon and is processed and frozen within hours of being harvested to retain its freshness. They offer a variety of grades, sizes, and flavors of Ikura, including smoked and marinated varieties. Their products are shipped overnight in insulated packages to ensure their quality.

  1. Browne Trading Company

Browne Trading Company is a Maine-based company that has been in the seafood business for over 25 years. They offer a range of premium-quality seafood, including Ikura. Their Ikura is sourced from sustainable fisheries in the Pacific Northwest and is carefully selected, cured, and packed by hand. They offer a variety of grades and sizes of Ikura, and their products are shipped overnight in insulated packages.

  1. Marx Foods

Marx Foods is a Seattle-based company that offers a wide range of specialty foods, including high-quality Ikura. Their Ikura is sourced from sustainably harvested Alaskan salmon and is processed and packaged by hand. They offer a range of grades, sizes, and flavors of Ikura, including Ikura infused with wasabi, yuzu, and sake. Their products are shipped overnight in insulated packages to ensure their freshness.

  1. Marky's Caviar

Marky's Caviar is a Florida-based company that has been in the caviar business for over 30 years. They offer a range of caviar and roe, including high-quality Ikura. Their Ikura is sourced from wild Alaskan salmon and is processed and packed by hand. They offer a variety of grades and sizes of Ikura, including smoked and marinated varieties. Their products are shipped overnight in insulated packages to ensure their quality.

  1. Tsukiji Fish Market

Tsukiji Fish Market is the largest fish market in the world, located in Tokyo, Japan. While you may not be able to visit the market in person, you can order high-quality Ikura online from vendors that source their products from the market. These vendors offer a range of grades and sizes of Ikura, including fresh and frozen varieties. Some of the most popular vendors include The Japanese Pantry, Umami Mart, and The Japanese Kitchen.


Q: What is Ikura?

A: Ikura is the Japanese name for salmon roe.

Q: Is Ikura healthy?

A: Yes, Ikura is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients.

Q: Can I use Ikura in recipes?

A: Yes, Ikura is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes, including sushi, pasta, and salads.

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