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What Makes Beluga Caviar So Expensive? The Ultimate Guide

May 01, 2023

What Makes Beluga Caviar So Expensive? The Ultimate Guide

Beluga Caviar on a Silver Spoon

Beluga caviar is a luxury delicacy that is highly sought after by food enthusiasts worldwide. It is considered one of the most expensive types of caviar, with prices ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per kilogram. But what makes Beluga caviar so expensive? In this post, we will explore the factors that contribute to the high price of Beluga caviar.

Sourcing and Harvesting

Beluga sturgeon, the fish that produces Beluga caviar, is an endangered species found primarily in the Caspian Sea. Due to overfishing, the population of Beluga sturgeon has declined significantly, and it is now protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This has led to a decrease in the supply of Beluga caviar, which, in turn, has caused the price to skyrocket.


The processing of Beluga caviar is a delicate and time-consuming process that requires skilled professionals. The eggs are extracted manually from the fish and are then cleaned, sorted, and graded according to size, color, and texture. The caviar is then packed in tins or jars and shipped to retailers worldwide.


Beluga caviar is prized for its unique taste and texture. The eggs are larger than other types of caviar, and they have a buttery, creamy flavor that is often described as “nutty.” The texture is smooth and silky, with a slight pop when the eggs are eaten.


Q: Is Beluga caviar legal?

A: Yes, Beluga caviar is legal, but it is heavily regulated under CITES.

Q: Why is Beluga caviar so expensive?

A: Beluga caviar is expensive due to the rarity of the Beluga sturgeon and the time-consuming and delicate process of harvesting and processing the eggs.

Q: Can I substitute Beluga caviar with other types of caviar?

A: Yes, there are many other types of caviar available that offer a similar taste and texture to Beluga caviar.


Beluga caviar is a luxury delicacy that is highly prized for its unique taste and texture. The rarity of the Beluga sturgeon, the delicate and time-consuming process of harvesting and processing the eggs, and the high demand all contribute to the high price of Beluga caviar. While it may be a splurge, for those who can afford it, Beluga caviar is a culinary experience like no other.

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