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How to Incorporate Live Scallops into Your Restaurant Menu

May 21, 2023

How to Incorporate Live Scallops into Your Restaurant Menu

Incorporating Live Scallops into Your Restaurant Menu

Are you looking for a way to freshen up your seafood menu offerings? Look no further than live scallops. These delicious bivalves are a favorite of seafood enthusiasts and can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any menu. Here are some tips for incorporating live scallops into your restaurant menu.

  1. Source Quality Live Scallops

The first step to incorporating live scallops into your restaurant menu is to source the highest quality scallops. Look for suppliers who offer fresh, live scallops with a sweet, briny flavor. Your customers will appreciate the quality and flavor of fresh scallops, and it will set your restaurant apart from others that offer frozen or previously frozen scallops.

  1. Prepare the Scallops Correctly

Live scallops are delicate and require careful preparation. It's essential to handle them gently to avoid damaging the delicate meat. To prepare live scallops, you'll need to remove them from their shells and trim away any excess tissue. Rinse them under cold running water and pat dry with a paper towel. Be sure to keep them chilled until you're ready to cook them.

  1. Cook Scallops to Perfection

Cooking live scallops can be a bit tricky, but with the right technique, you can achieve a perfect sear on the outside while keeping the inside tender and juicy. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add a small amount of oil. When the oil is hot, add the scallops and cook for 2-3 minutes per side. Avoid overcooking, as this will result in tough and rubbery scallops.
  1. Pair Scallops with Complementary Flavors

To create a standout dish, it's essential to pair the scallops with complementary flavors. Consider incorporating ingredients like garlic, lemon, butter, or white wine into your recipe. You can also experiment with different textures by adding crispy elements like bacon or fried shallots.


Q: Can live scallops be stored in the refrigerator?

A: Yes, live scallops can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Place them in a sealed container and keep them on ice to maintain freshness.

Q: Are live scallops safe to eat raw?

A: Yes, live scallops can be eaten raw. However, it's important to ensure that they are fresh and handled properly to prevent foodborne illness.


Incorporating live scallops into your restaurant menu is an excellent way to add sophistication and elegance to your seafood offerings. Remember to source the highest quality scallops, handle them gently, cook them to perfection, and pair them with complementary flavors to create a standout dish. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a delicious and memorable scallop dish that your customers will love.

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