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How to Order Sea Urchin Sushi Like a Japanese Local

April 28, 2023

How to Order Sea Urchin Sushi Like a Japanese Local

How to Order Sea Urchin Sushi

Sea urchin sushi, also known as uni sushi, is a delicacy that is beloved by sushi enthusiasts around the world. If you're interested in trying it for yourself, it's important to know how to order it like a Japanese local. In this post, we'll walk you through the steps so that you can enjoy this tasty treat like a pro.

Step 1: Choose the Right Sushi Restaurant

First things first, you need to find a sushi restaurant that serves high-quality sea urchin. Look for a restaurant that specializes in sushi and has a good reputation. You can read online reviews or ask for recommendations from locals or friends who have tried the dish before.

Step 2: Know the Sushi Etiquette

Before ordering, it's important to know the proper sushi etiquette. When you sit down at the sushi bar, greet the sushi chef with a friendly "Hello" or "Konnichiwa." It's also customary to compliment the chef on the sushi you're eating. For example, you can say "Oishii desu" (it's delicious).

Step 3: Order the Sea Urchin Sushi

When it comes time to order, simply ask for "uni sushi" (oo-nee soo-shee). You can also ask for "uni nigiri" (oo-nee nee-gee-ree), which is sea urchin served on top of a small ball of rice.

Step 4: Enjoy Your Sea Urchin Sushi

Once your sushi arrives, it's time to enjoy! Use your chopsticks to pick up the sushi and dip it lightly in soy sauce. Don't put too much soy sauce on the sushi, as it can overpower the delicate flavor of the sea urchin. You can also add a little bit of wasabi to the soy sauce for an extra kick of flavor.


Q: What does sea urchin sushi taste like?

A: Sea urchin has a rich, creamy, and slightly sweet taste. It can be an acquired taste, but many people enjoy it.

Q: Is sea urchin sushi healthy?

A: Sea urchin is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients. However, it is also high in cholesterol, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Q: Can I order sea urchin sushi at any sushi restaurant?

A: While many sushi restaurants serve sea urchin, it's important to choose a restaurant that specializes in sushi and has a good reputation for quality.


Ordering sea urchin sushi like a Japanese local is all about knowing the etiquette and finding the right restaurant. Follow our step-by-step guide and you'll be enjoying this tasty delicacy like a pro in no time. Don't be afraid to try something new – you might just discover your new favorite sushi dish!

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