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How to Plate Sea Urchin Sushi Like a Pro: Tips and Tricks

April 26, 2023

How to Plate Sea Urchin Sushi Like a Pro: Tips and Tricks

Sea Urchin Sushi Plate

Are you a sushi lover looking to up your plating game? If so, learning how to plate sea urchin sushi like a pro is a must. Sea urchin, also known as uni, is a prized delicacy in the sushi world, and its unique flavor and texture make it a favorite of many sushi aficionados.

In this blog post, we'll give you tips and tricks for plating sea urchin sushi like a pro. From selecting the perfect uni to arranging it on the plate, we'll cover everything you need to know to create a beautiful and delicious sea urchin sushi dish.

Selecting the Perfect Sea Urchin

When it comes to plating sea urchin sushi, selecting the right uni is crucial. Look for fresh uni with a bright orange or yellow color and a firm texture. Avoid uni that looks dull or has a mushy texture, as this is a sign that it's not fresh.

Preparing the Sea Urchin

Once you've selected the perfect sea urchin, it's time to prepare it for plating. Use a spoon to carefully scoop the uni out of its shell, being careful not to break the delicate pieces. Gently rinse the uni with cold water and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Plating the Sea Urchin Sushi

Now that your uni is prepped and ready to go, it's time to start plating. Start by placing a small amount of sushi rice on the plate, using a small spoon or rice paddle to shape it into a small mound. Next, arrange the uni on top of the rice, using chopsticks or tweezers to carefully place each piece. Be sure to arrange the uni in a visually appealing way, creating height and texture on the plate.

Garnishing the Sea Urchin Sushi

To add even more visual interest to your sea urchin sushi, consider garnishing it with a few complementary ingredients. Wasabi, soy sauce, and pickled ginger are classic sushi accompaniments that pair well with uni. You could also add some thinly sliced scallions or a sprinkle of sesame seeds for added flavor and texture.


Q: Can I use frozen sea urchin for sushi?

A: While it's possible to use frozen sea urchin for sushi, it's generally not recommended. Fresh uni has a much better texture and flavor, and frozen uni can be mushy and watery when thawed.

Q: What should I look for when buying sea urchin for sushi?

A: Look for uni that is firm, bright in color, and has a fresh ocean smell. Avoid uni that looks dull or has a mushy texture.

Q: Can I make sea urchin sushi at home?

A: Yes, you can make sea urchin sushi at home! Just be sure to select fresh uni and take your time when plating to ensure a beautiful and delicious dish.


Plating sea urchin sushi like a pro is all about attention to detail and careful arrangement. By following our expert tips and tricks, you'll be able to create a stunning and delicious sea urchin sushi dish that will impress even the most discerning sushi lovers. So go ahead and give it a try – your taste buds (and your guests) will thank you!

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