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The Best Places to Buy Fresh Diver Scallops Online

May 14, 2023

The Best Places to Buy Fresh Diver Scallops Online

Best Places to Buy Fresh Diver Scallops Online

Are you a seafood lover looking for the freshest, highest quality scallops around? If so, you're in luck! Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can now buy fresh diver scallops online, straight from the source. To help you find the best options, we've put together this guide to the top places to buy fresh diver scallops online.

  1. Pure Food Fish Market

Pure Food Fish Market is a Seattle-based seafood purveyor that has been in business for over 100 years. They offer a wide variety of fresh seafood, including scallops, which are hand-selected and shipped directly to your door. Their scallops are harvested by divers in the pristine waters of Alaska, ensuring the highest quality and sustainability.

  1. Fulton Fish Market

Fulton Fish Market is an online seafood marketplace that offers an incredible selection of fresh seafood from all over the world, including diver scallops. Their scallops are sourced from the most reputable and sustainable fisheries, and they offer a variety of sizes to suit your needs.

  1. Global Seafoods

Global Seafoods is a family-owned business that has been providing high-quality seafood to customers for over 30 years. They offer a variety of scallops, including diver scallops that are hand-harvested in the cold waters of Alaska. Their scallops are flash-frozen immediately after harvest to ensure the freshest possible taste.

  1. Sea to Table

Sea to Table is a seafood delivery service that partners with small-scale fishermen and sustainable fisheries to provide customers with the freshest, most sustainably caught seafood possible. Their scallops are hand-harvested by divers and shipped directly to your door, ensuring maximum freshness and quality.


Q: What are diver scallops?

A: Diver scallops are scallops that have been harvested by hand, by divers who swim down to the ocean floor to retrieve them. This method of harvesting is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than other methods, such as dredging.

Q: How do I cook diver scallops?

A: Diver scallops can be cooked in a variety of ways, including pan-searing, grilling, and broiling. The key is to cook them quickly over high heat to avoid overcooking.

Q: How long do fresh diver scallops last?

A: Fresh diver scallops should be consumed within 1-2 days of purchase. If you can't eat them right away, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


Whether you're a seafood connoisseur or just someone looking for the freshest, highest quality scallops around, buying fresh diver scallops online is a great option. With the help of our guide, you can find the best options for sustainably caught, delicious scallops delivered straight to your door. So why wait? Start exploring the world of fresh diver scallops today!

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