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The Best Times of Year to Go Silver Salmon Fishing

May 11, 2023

The Best Times of Year to Go Silver Salmon Fishing

Best Times for Silver Salmon Fishing

Silver salmon, also known as coho salmon, are a highly sought-after game fish for anglers. Known for their acrobatic jumps and impressive size, silver salmon can make for an exciting day on the water. However, if you're planning a silver salmon fishing trip, it's important to know the best times of year to go. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about the ideal time to catch silver salmon.

When is the Best Time to Go Silver Salmon Fishing?

The best time to go silver salmon fishing depends on the location and the specific river or body of water you plan to fish. In general, though, the prime silver salmon fishing season is between late July and early October. During this time, the water temperature is ideal for these fish, and they are actively feeding in preparation for their spawning season.

In Alaska, the silver salmon season typically runs from mid-July through September. In the Pacific Northwest, the season usually begins in August and runs through October. If you're planning a silver salmon fishing trip in the Great Lakes region, the season typically runs from late August through early October.

What are the Best Locations for Silver Salmon Fishing?

Silver salmon can be found in a variety of locations, from rivers and streams to estuaries and coastal waters. Here are some of the best locations for silver salmon fishing:

  • Alaska: Alaska is known for its world-class silver salmon fishing, with many rivers and streams that offer prime fishing opportunities. Some of the top spots include the Kenai River, the Russian River, and the Copper River.
  • Pacific Northwest: The Pacific Northwest is another popular location for silver salmon fishing, with top spots including the Columbia River, the Willamette River, and the Puget Sound.
  • Great Lakes: In the Great Lakes region, the St. Mary's River and the Manistee River are known for their silver salmon runs.

What Gear Do You Need for Silver Salmon Fishing?

When it comes to gear for silver salmon fishing, you'll need a medium-heavy to heavy rod and reel combo, as well as a variety of lures and bait. Some popular lures for silver salmon include spinners, spoons, and plugs. Fly fishing for silver salmon is also popular, with streamer patterns being the most effective.


Q: What is the average size of a silver salmon?

A: Silver salmon typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds, but can grow up to 30 pounds in some locations.

Q: What is the bag limit for silver salmon fishing?

A: The bag limit for silver salmon fishing varies by location and regulations, so be sure to check local rules before you go.

Q: Can you catch silver salmon from shore?

A: Yes, silver salmon can be caught from shore in many locations, particularly in rivers and estuaries.


If you're planning a silver salmon fishing trip, timing is everything. By going during the prime fishing season and targeting the right locations, you can increase your chances of success and have an unforgettable fishing experience. Remember to check local regulations and bring the right gear for the job, and you'll be well on your way to catching some prized silver salmon.

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