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The Ultimate Guide to Buying King Crab Online

April 25, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Buying King Crab Online

The Ultimate Guide to Buying King Crab Online

Are you a seafood lover looking to enjoy the delicious taste of king crab in the comfort of your own home? Buying king crab online can be a convenient and affordable way to get your hands on this delectable delicacy. In this ultimate guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make sure you get the best quality king crab and the best deal when shopping online.

Types of King Crab

There are three main types of king crab: red, blue, and golden. Red king crab is the largest and most sought after, while blue king crab is smaller and less common. Golden king crab, also known as brown king crab, is the rarest and most expensive. When buying king crab online, it's important to know which type you're looking for and to make sure you're getting the best quality for your money.


When shopping for king crab online, quality is key. Look for vendors who offer live or fresh-frozen king crab, as this will ensure that the crab is as fresh as possible. Avoid buying precooked or frozen king crab, as this can affect the texture and taste of the meat. Make sure to read reviews and ask questions about the quality of the crab before making a purchase.

Where to Buy

There are many online vendors that offer king crab for sale, but not all of them are created equal. Some of the best places to buy king crab online include:

  • FishEx: This vendor offers a wide variety of king crab products, including live, cooked, and frozen crab. They also have a satisfaction guarantee and free shipping on certain orders.

  • Pure Food Fish Market: This Seattle-based vendor is known for their high-quality seafood, including Alaskan king crab. They offer overnight shipping and a variety of sizes to choose from.

  • Fulton Fish Market: This vendor offers fresh, never frozen king crab legs and claws from Alaska. They also offer same-day delivery in certain areas.


Q: How much king crab should I buy?

A: Plan on buying about one to two pounds of king crab per person.

Q: How do I cook king crab?

A: King crab can be boiled, steamed, or grilled. Check out online recipes for cooking tips and ideas.

Q: How long does king crab stay fresh?

A: Fresh king crab should be consumed within 2-3 days of delivery. Frozen king crab can be stored for up to 6 months.


Buying king crab online can be a great way to enjoy this delicious seafood delicacy without leaving your home. With the right knowledge, you can find the best quality crab at the best prices. Remember to consider the type of crab, the quality, and where to buy before making a purchase. Follow our ultimate guide and you'll be enjoying a succulent and tasty king crab feast in no time!

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