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Where to Buy the Freshest Live Scallops Near You

May 05, 2023

Where to Buy the Freshest Live Scallops Near You - Global Seafoods North America

Where to Buy Fresh Live Scallops Near You

Are you a seafood lover who enjoys the delicate flavor and texture of scallops? If so, you know that the quality of your scallops can make or break your meal. Fortunately, finding the freshest live scallops near you is easier than you might think. Here's what you need to know.

Where to Buy Live Scallops

  1. Local Fish Markets

The first place to look for fresh live scallops is your local fish market. These markets typically source their seafood directly from local fishermen, which means that the scallops are as fresh as they come. Look for scallops that are still alive and stored on ice. If possible, ask the fishmonger to shuck them for you so that you can take them home ready to cook.

  1. Online Seafood Retailers

If you don't have a local fish market near you, don't worry. There are plenty of online seafood retailers that can ship live scallops right to your door. Look for retailers that specialize in sustainably sourced seafood and have a good reputation for quality and freshness.

  1. Farmer's Markets

Another great place to look for live scallops is your local farmer's market. Many seafood vendors sell their catch at farmer's markets, giving you access to some of the freshest seafood available. However, be sure to ask how the scallops were harvested and stored before making your purchase.

How to Choose Live Scallops

When choosing live scallops, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Look for scallops that are still alive. If they're not moving, they may have been dead for a while.
  • Check the color. Live scallops should be a creamy white color with no gray spots.
  • Smell them. They should smell like the ocean, not like fish.
  • Check the texture. The scallops should be firm to the touch, not mushy.

How to Prepare Live Scallops

Once you've purchased your live scallops, it's time to prepare them for cooking. Here's how:

  1. Shuck the scallops if necessary. If you purchased them at a fish market, they may already be shucked. If not, use a sharp knife to carefully pry open the shell and remove the muscle.
  2. Rinse the scallops under cold water and pat them dry.
  3. Season them with salt and pepper or your favorite seasoning blend.
  4. Heat a skillet over high heat and add a small amount of oil or butter.
  5. Add the scallops to the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they're golden brown and cooked through.


Q: Are frozen scallops as good as fresh scallops?

A: Frozen scallops can be just as good as fresh scallops if they're properly handled and stored. Look for frozen scallops that have been frozen at sea to ensure the best quality.

Q: How long do live scallops stay fresh?

A: Live scallops can stay fresh for up to three days if they're stored properly on ice.

Q: Can I eat the roe (eggs) of scallops?

A: Yes, scallop roe is edible and is considered a delicacy in some cultures.


In conclusion, finding the freshest live scallops near you is key to enjoying their delicate flavor and texture. By visiting your local fish market, shopping at online seafood retailers, or checking out farmer's markets, you can source the highest quality scallops for your next meal. Remember to choose live scallops that are still moving, have a creamy white color, smell like the ocean, and are firm to the touch. And don't forget to try cooking them with your favorite seasonings for a delicious seafood dish. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to enjoy the best scallops possible, whether you're a seasoned seafood lover or trying them for the first time.

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