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The Top 10 Salmon Roe Recipes to Impress Your Guests

April 24, 2023

The Top 10 Salmon Roe Recipes to Impress Your Guests

Salmon Roe Sushi Roll

Salmon roe, also known as ikura, is a delicious and luxurious ingredient that adds a pop of color and flavor to any dish. If you're looking to impress your guests with some fancy salmon roe recipes, you've come to the right place! In this post, we'll share our top 10 favorite salmon roe recipes that are sure to wow your guests.

Salmon Roe Sushi Roll:

This classic sushi roll is elevated with the addition of salmon roe, which adds a burst of salty flavor with each bite. Serve with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger for a complete sushi experience.

Salmon Roe Blini:

Chese bite-sized pancakes topped with crème fraîche and salmon roe make for a perfect appetizer at any party. The combination of creamy and salty flavors is irresistible.

Deviled Eggs with Salmon Roe:

Upgrade your deviled eggs by adding a spoonful of salmon roe on top. It's a simple yet elegant way to make your appetizers stand out.

Smoked Salmon and Roe Dip:

This creamy dip combines smoked salmon, cream cheese, and salmon roe for a decadent spread that pairs perfectly with crackers or toast points.

Salmon Roe Pasta:

Toss spaghetti or linguine with butter, lemon, and a generous amount of salmon roe for a quick and easy pasta dish that's sure to impress.

Salmon Roe Crostini:

Top slices of toasted bread with a smear of goat cheese and a spoonful of salmon roe for a sophisticated appetizer that's easy to make.

Salmon Roe Omelette:

Add some flair to your breakfast routine by making an omelette with salmon roe, scallions, and crème fraîche. It's a fancy way to start your day!

Salmon Roe Mousse:

This light and airy mousse is made with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and salmon roe. Serve it in individual cups or as a dip with crackers.

Salmon Roe Canapés:

These bite-sized snacks are perfect for entertaining. Top crackers or cucumber slices with a dollop of crème fraîche and a spoonful of salmon roe for an easy yet impressive appetizer.

Salmon Roe Salad:

Add some crunch to your salad by topping it with salmon roe. It's a simple way to add a burst of flavor and texture to your greens.


Q: Where can I buy salmon roe?

A: Salmon roe can be found at most specialty food stores and fish markets. It can also be purchased online from reputable seafood retailers.

Q: Can I substitute salmon roe with other types of roe?

A: Yes, you can substitute salmon roe with other types of roe, such as trout roe or caviar. However, keep in mind that the flavor and texture may be different.

Q: How do I store leftover salmon roe?

A: Leftover salmon roe should be kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to three days.


Salmon roe is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes to add a touch of elegance and flavor. Whether you're making sushi, pasta, or appetizers, these 10 salmon roe recipes are sure to impress your guests. So why not add some ikura to your next dinner party or gathering? Your taste

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